CERES KAROO RUN - Plaas basaar!

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chrisL said:
I like MB. How much different on dirt than the 650BM?

in standard format, both machines have basic suspension which is fine for easy gravel. I Upgraded the strom with Wilbers springs up front and made a huge difference.

The strom def is by far a better tourer and has lekker grunty attitude compared to the GS and I hit 160kh/hr with my first real dirt trip with her, so she travels well

basically - I love that stofdonkie  :thumleft:
Following the Stofdonkie I noticed it gave the occassional kick to keep you awake. I must say I was surprised how well it did on the road up to and down from the cottage.

Now what was wrong with my 640. As Andy said when we stopped, the centre stand switch. problem being that it had been removed and even the motorcycle electricians who have done the repair battled to find the problem. We know now, bad, dirty connection.

They giving the wiring a good clean and lube because as you can imagine after 53000Km there is a bit of dirt and dust in all the plugs and connectors etc.
ja fok, that rear shock needs some work  :biggrin:

anyone have a spare ohlins laying around  :mwink:

glad ur bike is sorted - there's nothing more depressing than having your boney die on you :(
Sorry guys I was not able to post my mugshots of the riders at the bazaar and whilst waiting for the tyre repairs  , if anyone can help please pm me thanks

I clicked on " additional options " below and then on  " browse" and then I left clicked on my photos which are already made small, and then presto nothing happens ?
Sorry I haven't posted earlier but that's how it goes.......

I really enjoyed the trip. We rode out to Ceres to meet Mr and Mrs Trokkie.  What a friendly, hospitable and generous couple.  They kindly let us use the stone cottage on the mountainside above their farm.  Trokkie led us up the tweespoor in the dark.  That was great!  The old DR's light is pretty useless so I tried to stick with Trokkie on his 950 so I'd have a hint of where the road went.  Not so easy!
Meat and drink followed and then the Friday night sleep of the truly tired.  The next morning we could appreciate our accommodation and surroundings.  Wow!


Then we headed down to the farmhouse for an enormous breakfast.  The poor Trokkie family have to live in this 193-year-old house.  I mean, couldn't they get something a bit more modern?


I don't know if the following text from Franzen's book will be legible - let's try.


The rest of the crew joined us and we blasted off up the R355, past the mysteries of the rolled Corsa and the burnt bakkie.

The Plaas Basaar was just getting into full swing when we arrived.  The auction was fun.  The sheep were being sold off in lots of 11 at a time.  It would have been hard to bring 11 young sheep back on the DR so I stayed out of the bidding.


After lunch and more auctioning we filled up and headed back down a beautiful remote road to the east of and roughly parallel to the R355.  Here AntonW's bike went into a sulk.    


We had to put it on the bakkie.  Byron assumed the position.


The breakdown was an excellent thing because we became acquainted with Boere's cooler-box and this was truly welcome.  Thank you Boere, thank you.


The rest of the trip back to Ceres was uneventful except for running out of fuel just outside town.  Here Boere topped up my tank.  I was very grateful to him at the time and he naturally didn't tell me that it was AntonW's fuel he was giving away so generously.  Ha ha!   I owe you Anton, and a proper thank you can be said here.

Andy660 had to fix his own puncture and not someone else's this time.


Then a flat out blast back to Cape Town in the gathering gloom through clouds of springtime insects which fouled the goggles and completely besplattered the bike and my kit.

Thanks to Trokkie, Mrs Trokkie, Eselbank, Boere and Andy660 for organisation, backup and logistics and to the rest of the riders for a fantastic trip.   Best wishes to the good people of Sonop farm and the neighbouring community.  It takes a special kind of person to thrive in such a harsh place.
Andy660 had to fix his own puncture and not someone else's this time.

That's a first! :D

I wonder how many pictures of Andy in this position has been posted over the years! :D
Well he should be used to this position by now as this is how het gets his weekend pass from the missus to go and ride :pot:
boere said:
Well he should be used to this position by now as this is how het gets his weekend pass from the missus to go and ride :pot:

