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I only work of 150000 maps , but it's easy , go through prins Albert to the last petrol station in town , then go back three streets and turn right , follow the road , there are a couple of rivers to cross as well , just watch out you don't see the drift till you are on it ! enjoy !
Nice pics, nice report, plse less of the purdy boys in nightgowns  :D
Nice one B. Jy het jou game weggee. Jy het PINK slippers aan op daai foto by die vuur!!!
chrisL said:
Nice one B. Jy het jou game weggee. Jy het PINK slippers aan op daai foto by die vuur!!!
Daar vang jy my uit Chris ! Maar ek moet se jou oog is mooi ingestel op sulke goed ne ?
Thanks vir die RR! Ek wil ook graag daai valley gaan uit check. Is daar slaapplek onder in Die Hel? My vrou hou nie van kamp in die winter nie, so meer in die lyn van bangalow of iets. Ek weet een van die hutte het uitgbrand laas jaar iewers.
Hey FatB
Just got to look at the pictures, WTF has Bigfoot got on his grannies longjohns ?
I see he's got a full tent this time :imaposer: :imaposer:
Some relly nice pics, they would have looked better with a KTM in the foreground but suppose you can't have everything.
Looks like a real nice route you guys did you can tell me all about it next week.
Camelman said:
Thanks vir die RR! Ek wil ook graag daai valley gaan uit check. Is daar slaapplek onder in Die Hel? My vrou hou nie van kamp in die winter nie, so meer in die lyn van bangalow of iets. Ek weet een van die hutte het uitgbrand laas jaar iewers.
Hulle het chalets in die Hel maar ons gebruik altyd hulle karafaan akomodasie dis cheap en rustic , laat jou amper dink jy kamp nog !
Tagsy said:
Hey FatB
Just got to look at the pictures, WTF has Bigfoot got on his grannies longjohns ?
I see he's got a full tent this time :imaposer: :imaposer:
Some relly nice pics, they would have looked better with a KTM in the foreground but suppose you can't have everything.
Looks like a real nice route you guys did you can tell me all about it next week.
Hey Boet !! remember your Gay TEE EM could not make it last time  :imaposer:So near but yet so far !!!
Looking at RRs like that just makes me think....

Why, oh why, oh why, am I living in the arse-end of this country?
Cracker said:
Looking at RRs like that just makes me think....

Why, oh why, oh why, am I living in the arse-end of this country?

Console yourself: you may live on the arse-end, but we get all the wind...
Jou bliksem!

I have always wanted to see that kloof.

Nice RR
Some good Dam foto's there!!! Thanks for sharing.

:thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: