Into Africa - DASKOP's 12000km drive

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From there I traveled through quite a few towns like Unguana, Massinga, Maxixe, Inhambane, Inharrime, Xai-Xai, Chissano and on to the Illovo Sugar Estate Country and Gholf Club, where I will be accommodated, courtesy of my dear friend Rhys Davies.


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Not sure where these photos were taken. About 2,5 - 3 hours drive from Vilanculos according to the time stamp. If someone with a better knowledge of the area can shed some, that would be appreciated.

The last photo was taken an hour later on the open road.


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I think this was at Lake Poelelo.


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Lake Quissico and then the town of Quissico.

Then kilometers of evidence of the relentless chopping down of trees. Piles and piles of wood.


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At Chidenguele, I was tempted to take the road down to Paraiso de Chidenguele, 5km of off-road to the beach resort on the coast. That notion quickly disappeared when I considered that off-road in Moz means SAND. Found that out in Vilanculos, so it is onwards through Xai-Xai over the bridge on the Limpopo River, destination...............Maragra.


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Some more taken at Quissico.


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The tropical surroundings have mostly disappeared and it is sugar cane everywhere.

At Palmerios, I cannot get my GPS to give me directions to Maragra. There is a police roadblock at the split and I stop and ask which way to Maragra. The word sugar brings about a big smile and a finger is pointed that way and I take a right instead of a left and drive all the way to Xinavane. There is a big sugar plant there, but is Illovo's competitors. I continue for another few kilometers and stop at a group of young men next to the road. No English. Another driver there....Maragra, no it is back that way. So it is back the way I came. Back onto the main road, wave at my distractors, the cops at the roadblock and head in what I hope is the right direction.

It is and I land at the Maragra Sugar Refinery. Do the security thing, get directions and head through this vast industrial area to the country club.

Nice little room with all the necessary amenities. Big dining area with a TV and DSTV. I CAN DO A LITTLE CATCH UP.


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Thanks again to Rhys Davies of Illovo Sugar.

Great supper. Met some of the management who were there for a meeting. Keith, who had arranged everything for me at the country club, suggested that I do not leave too early, but give the Maputo traffic some time to die down before I get there, as the traffic situation is scary. That proved to be an understatement.

Then some TV, it's like a novelty after not having it for a while, and it is bed time.


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Early morning Maragra to Maputo, complete with the obligatory truck accident. Just would not be the same without it.

Nice sunny day, then it turned to rain. Not what you need going into Maputo, that's for sure.


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I remembered something about that coal laden truck that went into the trees. The previous day, I passed that truck before I took the wrong turning. It was traveling at about 40 km/h, it was so overloaded. When I got back on the correct road to Maragra, I passed it again, still only doing about 40 km/h, and I wondered how such an obviously overloaded truck made it through the roadblock where I had been stopped.

The driver must have fallen asleep and landed up between the trees.


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And then it was into Maputo. An attack on your senses. Traffic chaos. Danger everywhere, I am not exaggerating. The rain made it ten times worse. Broken truck in the middle of the road.

I was so nervous, I forgot to wipe the camera lens clean.


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There was some sort of occasion at this stadium, resulting in even more traffic. It was after 9 in the morning, a time that the traffic had died down a lot, according to Keith of Illovo. I cannot imagine what it must be like at it's peak.

The photos cannot relay the atmosphere of the traffic. You have vehicles in front of you as far as you can see, vehicles coming up behind you to within mere centimeters of your number plate, vehicles overtaking on the left at full tilt, some more overtaking from the front into the face of oncoming traffic, pedestrians from the buses weaving their way through the cars and then the tar is covered by a slimy, slippery layer of mud from the verges, that threatens to topple you every time you apply brakes or veer the bike off from straight.

Oh, and if you are turning, waiting for the oncoming traffic to stop, is an optional extra.


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Thanks  Lovely photo's

I'm doing the ride with you
Those Maputo pics bring back some unwanted memories , that place is utter chaos
jeff said:
Those Maputo pics bring back some unwanted memories , that place is utter chaos

Yebo Jeff. I do not miss that part of the trip. It is a pity that it is the way to end the trip coming back to RSA. A lovely gravel ride would have been more fitting.
The traffic thinned out for a while and then it was back to sardine fashion.

I stopped to take a photo of the harbour, but there were some comments coming my way from the men around there and it was in a manner that made me uncomfortable, so without getting what I wanted, I thought it would be safer bet to just get going.


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