KZN - Sunday 17th - Out Richmond Hela Hela way ? UNPLANNED DISASTER

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Look closely at the second picture below. This is the Isuzu that has just had it's first taste of Wild Dog. Look at the faint dribble of saliva on the right side of the fender. This vehicle has gone for the bite and now it's looking for YOU! Be careful on your next corner, it's waiting...........

(first picture) Look closely at the special tool Peter is using. This is the special tool that Peter uses to nip the tube before he places it in the wheel.  It works perfectly every time.


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Some pics of our ride, Our stunning playground, wouldnt be the right to not have some sugar cane. GG, looking very dejected and his crippled Yami

Get well GG and let us know what the doc says.  :thumleft:


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Sawbones says no major harm done to the knee. He says its just - err - some long word that basically means the knee was a bit stuffed before, and now it's just badly bruised. He gave me some industrial strength anti-inflammatories. The shoulder and wrist are just sprained and bruised and will heal by themselves. I have a muscle tear in the triceps, probably caused by trying to break my fall, but he says that is no problem unless I want to change career and take up professional boxing.. The roasties on my elbow and knee are getting better. 

The bike is up at Perry Yamaha, and I should know today what the damage is - physical and financial. The bike is insured under a comprehensive policy, so I may consider a claim for the first time on a bike.

I have never before considered claiming on a bike because of a fall. In my own mind the insurance is just to cover the big things, and not to claim when I have a tumble due to my own incompetence.   
Hey glad to hear Peter, I hope you recover fast.

I think you must claim.

Chat soon.
Debbie & I thought you were very stoic about the whole thing Peter and we were very impressed by your determination to get going again and not hold the group up. I see you did give yourself quite a beating! Hope you recover quickly. Ian
GundaGunda said:
GundaGunda said:
. . . .
But I forget my manners. A HUGE thanks to the guys out there who helped me and tried to get me going again, and especially to Mr and Mrs Dirty Boy who gave up so much of father's day to fetch and carry my bust bike and bruised old body.

. . . .  

. . . . and a special thank you to EssBee who "nursed" me back to civilization and rescue.  :thumleft:

Peter, that's what it's all about...cameraderie! :3some:
Wow Peter. Glad you are ok. So sorry I could not be there to lend a hand too.
Eish - now the insurers say I can't claim  :mad:

Dear Mr. xxxx

Your email hereunder is received and contents noted.

I understand that you await the costs of repair to advise whether you will be pursuing a claim for this or not, however I regret to advise you that in this instance you will not have cover in terms of your policy. Under the Exclusions for Descriptions of Use point (b) states the “All Use categories Exclude:- (b) racing, speed or other contests, rallies, trials”. Therefore in this instance the costs for damages sustained to your bike will not be recoverable against this policy.

Trust all is in order, and apologize for any inconvenience caused.


My response


I think we have a dispute here.

On what grounds are you rejecting the claim?

1. “racing, - No – there was no racing involved.
2. speed – No – It was just a ride with a group of friends -
3. or other contests, - No – no contest involved.
4. rallies, Not a rally -  It was just a ride with a group of friends –It’s safer to ride in rural KZN with company.
5. trials”. No – It was not a Trial – Trials are against a clock over rugged terrain.



This type of stuff really gets my blood boiling

tinusvdb said:
This type of stuff really gets my blood boiling


Ja nee donner...bly jy is OK.....en fok hulle op!!!!  :deal:
They will always look for a reason not to pay.
Insurance is easy and nice to have, until you want to claim.

GG take it further!

All the best!
Wortel said:
. . .

GG take it further!

. . .

It's sorted . .  just a misunderstanding as to what I was doing.

me? Gunda? racing . . .  you gotta be joking !!


Dear Mr. xxxxx

Contents of your email hereunder noted.

My apologies . . . .  however with regard to the circumstances mentioned i.e. riding with friends, that will be covered under your policy. To proceed with a claim please see attached Claim Form which we request you Fully Complete, Sign and Return together with Copy of your Drivers License and the Quotation.

Kindly await documentation in due course.
Hi Peter...glad you are ok. Sh12 happens especially to bikers...its the licensed car drivers that are our lerkers. Who are the underwriters of your policy?
Mr G (David) said:
Hi Peter...glad you are ok. Sh12 happens especially to bikers...its the licensed car drivers that are our lerkers. Who are the underwriters of your policy?

Zurich. I have never had problems with them, or the brokers, before, but every now and again you get a claim agent who makes a wrong call before he/she has the facts, and that is irritating.

And especially so after I went to the Yam guys, and asked them to reduce the quote by fixing rather than replacing where possible. My bike has done 21 000 recreational Km - mostly back roads and gravel. I dropped my the KLE I had before about five or six times, and I think the XTZ has been down four or five times and I have never lodged a claim.

My thinking is that those dings are part of riding on gravel and back roads, and repairs as a result of "normal usage" are  to my account.

Insurance to me is for when you have an incident that is either unexpectedly large or as a consequence of events outside "normal usage" - like having a bakkie ride over your front wheel.

I believe I take the "contract of the utmost good faith" aspect of insurance seriously.   I do not expect an insurance company to restore a bike or car to a condition better than it was before the incident - call it WASP morality if you like, but I like to think I am a fair guy.

Hence the haggling about cost with the agents. So it's irritating when you get a quick rejection.

But's it okay now - we are going forward.
Hey Pete

Sorry to hear about the incident.Hope the new pegs made it.

Hey Norman the Viking,nice pose with the wheel over there.Do you actually know what to do?
Havnt seen you for a while,must come visit.