Oasis , a Waterfall and a hard fall

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Nice pics as usual Hanno, thx for sharing pity about the wipe out glad nothing to serious. LRFan nothing wrong with your pics thx for sharing.  :thumleft:
Lekker trip kêrels,net jammer oor daai glips,maar dit gebeur mos maar soms......
Lekker foto's manne!

Hanno,  jy moet kyk waar jy ry,  nie ry waar jy kyk nie!
Scenic Ride said:
Lekker foto's manne!

Hanno,  jy moet kyk waar jy ry,  nie ry waar jy kyk nie!

Hahaha. Ja nee- dit was presies die probleem.

Ek sal onthou volgende keer.
Baie mooi fotos -- Al het ek nou net geeet hier by die werk is ek NOU baie honger vir daardie ribs hulle weet net hoe eerste klas.

Ek en die vrou moet nog eselbank doen ons was laas by die Stadsal grotte flipen mooi daar 6 km vanaf Oasis het net baie tyd nodig vir die fotos - daar is te veel om af te neem.

Groete en sterkte
Dankie vir die deel, het dit nou baie geniet.

Iemand het nie miskien gps file van hoe julle gery het nie?
Al klaar weer lus om te gaan maar kan net een so trippie 'n maand doen.
Nice RR guys. Thanks a lot for taking the time to share it all with us.

Really glad Hanno, that you come out that ordeal OK. Never nice to hear of a Buddy fallen. ;)
Lekker Hando en LR fan!! Bly jy is ok Hando, vat volgende keer n goeie boek saam, as jy oor daai afgrond gaan, gaan jy lank val.  :imaposer:
You both take really amazing picture, thank you!

Glad you are okay Hando. I noticed some power slide marks (or were those brake marks? :scratch:  >:D ) in the second last photo as well.

I wish they were powerslide marks.

They were not!  Those are brake marks. Back wheel locked solid. Front wheel biting very hard to get my speed down (unsuccessfully) . In the end the backwheel was was bit me. I got too far out of shape on the broadside slide and when I came off the back brake she highsided me and spat me off.
Hando said:

I wish they were powerslide marks.

They were not!  Those are brake marks. Back wheel locked solid. Front wheel biting very hard to get my speed down (unsuccessfully) . In the end the backwheel was was bit me. I got too far out of shape on the broadside slide and when I came off the back brake she highsided me and spat me off.

Sorry to hear that this is how it panned out Hanno. Apart from being aware and keeping your speed down, I wonder if there is a way out of a situation like this?
For me the main problem was that I was not concentrating and got myself into that situation in the first place.

Had I not switched off the abs I may have not gotten so badly out of shape (broadsiding) that may have not resulted in the highside - but that option opens up a whole new can of worms.

I think the only thing that could have saved my hide was more experience/training. Apart from concentrating and not ending up in that emergency brake situation in the first place.