Owwww me Ball Joint...

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Grumpy Mutt
Jan 27, 2006
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OK, so my ball joint rubber went a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time ago and I replaced it, but it was gritty inside and I have persevered with it being a cheap skate.... :biggrin: :biggrin:

I have been noticing a clunk/ rattle on the front end for a while but have dutifully ignored it.  :peepwall: :peepwall:

Then  a week or so ago, with the bike on the centre stand, I grabbed the handlebars with one hand on the ball joint and pushed down on the bars, "clack" yes me ball joint is gone....  8)

So phone Northside and they quoted me R 1465.00 OK not so bad, checked with Motorworks GBP 69 so WITHOUT Postage and VAT etc same price :eek:  :biggrin: :biggrin:

Stripped off the front wheel mudguard and lower fork legs, so I just had the bridge and ball joint...  :biggrin: :biggrin: so give it a polish while its off  ::)  

So off I went to Northside, yes in stock and I had them fit it to the bridge, heat for the Loctite and impact wrench required and Big torque wrench to refit... good move having it done by them, but doing the easy bits myself ..  

Put it all back together and she is "tight" again..... :biggrin: :biggrin: nice friendly service at Northside and as stated pricing not silly... 8)