Pretoria, Haenertsburg, Magoebaskloof and back!

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Race Dog
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
Yamaha XT 660 Z
Part 1
Friday morning - Cullinan to Haenertsburg

So, IDR and I decided to tackle a boy’s weekend. We figured we’d do a bit of a dry run for the bash in September, seeing what kit we still require, what difficulties we might have.

So, we packed tents, braai utensils, chairs and off we went. We headed to Cullinan first. Check the wildebeest hiding behind the pump. She is still a bit shy early this in the trip.


Needless to say breakfast was in order before starting in earnest. Still a bit shy.


We headed north, trying to find some gravel. And guess what?!?
IDR doing a dance that he claims, when he was younger, pulled chicks like moths to a fire.


It was quite cloudy Friday, however at least we weren’t cooking in our suits.
Unfortunately the gravel soon ran out. I think we ended up driving parallel to the gravel, but on tar. Quite disappointing.


We took some turns, trying hard to get some dirt. However, we only got to this dam wall and the river running out of it.



Part 2
Finally some dirt!!!

We turned off the tar on some random road, hoping it would take us through to our destination. And, boy was it a good idea. About 1km onto the road it becomes quite technical and leads to this old bridge.


The bikes decided to pose for us a bit...



Then IDR decided to pose too...


While standing on the bridge, IDR noticed something in the river. Swimming across was a 2.5m rock python. Man it was big! See it against the edge, waiting for us to go have a wee in the river. We obviously decided against it...and wee'd off the bridge.


We found a road busy being built, fortunately there is gravel running along side it. We then found a little thatch roof.


And guess what the thatch roof made us do? It forced us really...


IDR crossing a 1.5m deep river, filled with crocks. Because of the angle it looks like a little stream.


After a long ride we ended up at the pub in Haenertsburg. They also forced this stuff on us.

Part 3
Finding a place to sleep

It was Friday late afternoon and we didn't have a place to stay yet. So we enquired at the bar and was told by another patron we should go chat to Tannie Poppie, next door at the bottle stoor.

She is the administrator of the Haenertsburg Trout Association's camp site. Members only, however seeing as no-one was camping there this weekend she said she'd jippo the system. 150 Ronds for both of us for the whole weekend! More beer money! :mwink:

The camp site is on the edge of the Ebenezer dam. You have to hug the dam for a bit before getting to the gate of the camp site, where Johannes will ask you for proof of payment and be quite sceptical when you tell him you joined the club just this afternoon!




Tents erected, mist moving in...



Part 4
Saturday, start of the fun!

But first, it was time for breakfast. Also, we had to wait for the mist to clear.

The chicken was stalking us...


IDR making breakfast for us.


The chicken called the boys. Ganging up really!


Yeah, the missed started clearing up!


I still have to stitch these pics, but haven't had time yet. Stunning though! The view from the bottom of the camp site...





Some anglers tried their luck at tricky rainbow trout. They did have some success while I was watching, it is the Trout Association after all.

Part 5
Getting the ride on!

So, we decided to hug the dam all the way round, but then soon found the gate leading to the dam wall. We phoned the number on the board, the guy came to open, but he didn't have the correct key. So, we had to head back again. We weren't really complaining seeing as it was a nice tight track and loads of fun!


The view from the gate...


We took the Cheerio turnoff and started following the road through the forests...I'll make the pics do the talking.




Then, we decided to cross a little river. Man o man, what a mission. The mud was seriously deep. IDR almost got over, but then got stuck right at the end. We tried everything. Spinning, lifting, turning...everything...


We realised it's almost a no hope situation. So, I decided to go look for help. Here's me looking for help...


We finally managed to turn the KLR around and pushed it all the way back. Man, what a mission. Fortunatly the river water was nice and cool and we could quench our thirsts.

So, we continued on the tracks...ego's dented a bit, bodies sore a bit.


Taking a break on Magoebaskloof road...


At the bottom we turned left onto a dirt road telling us NO BIKES allowed. So we decided not to rev the bikes too much.

We had a look at the Debengeni falls. Quite something...



They have these picnic tables at the bottom. Stunning...


IDR noticed my boot has torn. Crap cheap boots. AlpineStars here I come!


Another deep river. IDR was gunning it through there!



8th birthday!


And finally, this was the breakie before leaving the Sunday morning.


A big thanks to IDR, Tannie Poppie  and most importantly the wifey that let me go on the boys trip. It took some convincing seeing as I am going to the bash too!  :mwink:
Veldbrand said:
:thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:
Magoebas, one of my favorite spots IN THE WORLD!
Gooi more!

Hi Veldbrand. Dit is stunning!!
Very nice  :thumleft:  :ricky:
We hiked there a long time ago, Grootbosch and Dokolewa
Justin said:
Veldbrand said:
:thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:
Magoebas, one of my favorite spots IN THE WORLD!
Gooi more!

Hi Veldbrand. Dit is stunning!!
As julle weer soentoe gaan ry die roetes aangeheg in hierdie thread:
Bly julle het darem die watervalle kon sien.
As mens oor die hout bruggie by die waterval loop daar onder naby die "No sliding" signs en barriers en aan die anderkant vir so 100m teen die helling opklouter is daar weer 'n tweespoor paadjie.
Draai daar links en loop so 300m op.
Daar is 'n ander rots slide wat in 'n lekker diep poel in val van so 25m lank en wat 100% veilig is.
Min mense weet van hom en dis 'n staatsgeheim so moennie vir enige iemand vertel nie maar sou julle ooit weer daar kom, veral in die somer, gaan ghoef en slide bietjie daar. dis moerse sports.
Veldbrand said:
Justin said:
Veldbrand said:
:thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:
Magoebas, one of my favorite spots IN THE WORLD!
Gooi more!

Hi Veldbrand. Dit is stunning!!
As julle weer soentoe gaan ry die roetes aangeheg in hierdie thread:
Bly julle het darem die watervalle kon sien.
As mens oor die hout bruggie by die waterval loop daar onder naby die "No sliding" signs en barriers en aan die anderkant vir so 100m teen die helling opklouter is daar weer 'n tweespoor paadjie.
Draai daar links en loop so 300m op.
Daar is 'n ander rots slide wat in 'n lekker diep poel in val van so 25m lank en wat 100% veilig is.
Min mense weet van hom en dis 'n staatsgeheim so moennie vir enige iemand vertel nie maar sou julle ooit weer daar kom, veral in die somer, gaan ghoef en slide bietjie daar. dis moerse sports.

Sweet, ek moet verseker my vrou soentoe vat met die kinders. Sal daai spot uit soek!
Nice RR, amazing pictures!!  So many deep river crossings!!  :laughing4: :thumleft:
Has Been 9 said:
Nice RR, amazing pictures!!  So many deep river crossings!!  :laughing4: :thumleft:

Thanks. And it's all cellphone photo's. Samsung Galaxy S for the win!  :biggrin:
Stayed in Tzaneen for 20 years - your pictures really show how beautiful this area is! Thanks :thumleft:
laurika said:
Beautiful and green...lovely RR...

Spore said:
Stayed in Tzaneen for 20 years - your pictures really show how beautiful this area is! Thanks :thumleft:

Thanks for the nice comments.

Maybe, just maybe, my mates in CT will stop going on about us Vaalies not having something like the Cederberg  ;)
Nice RR, we were in Haenertsburg on Saturday having lunch at Picasso's. Small world but not on the scoots. You guys passed us on the N1, thought it was dogs doing a trip, lucky bastards. :brave:
Thanks for sharing,it brings back memories as I grew up in Tzaneen and the waterfalls were one of our favourite spots to spent weekends .
Skipskop said:
Thanks for sharing,it brings back memories as I grew up in Tzaneen and the waterfalls were one of our favourite spots to spent weekends .

Chatted to the guy working at the pub. He just decided the concrete jungle is too much for him and moved to Haenertsburg. Now chilling to the max...
Very nice RR, and stunning pics ! Stuff like this makes me want to ride.....