Swallows Rally 2008!(not like that)

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Fidel and i decided that we could no longer resist the call to the Swallows rally. It was there and we both felt it.  We were warned by numerous people that this was the worst rally by far to attend, nife stabbings, bikes wheelying through tents with topless woman on the back  ;D and many more.  We decided to team up with Giraffe and PistonPete on Saturday afternoon.(we have not met be4)
It was with great difficulty that we convinced the woman that we are just going to the shop to get milk and bread and that the stuff strapped to the back was stuff still from our previoius trip never taken off. Fist stop was in Wellington for our standard survival ratpacks,beer and biltong.

We had a quick break at the Calabash and moved on.  When we got there i was very dissapointed to receive a 2005 bracelet and NO BADGE(as warned by LS). That sucked big time as i felt they new more people would attent(surely they follow past trends) and could have made provision for that.  We headed for the beer tent first to search for Giraffe. He told us he would be wearing his orange(of course) KTM shirt and that is very tall.  Fidel got very excited when he saw this girl in the orange top and short black mini as he thought it might be Giraffe`s sister (or and angel from KTM heaven) but turned out they were the 'Play' girls doing promotional work...should have taken more pics.

We saw this tall guy fitting Giraffes description and Fidel walked up to him to ask if he was 'sencored' Giraffe`s real name...he said no and turned around...(later on found out it was PistonPete all the time. ;D)

Our search started again....off to the drags we went making new friends all the way

'Kan jy nou meer', while we are strolling around looking for the best place to check the drags we bumped in to Giraffe, his brother in law from PE,a buddy and to be joined shortly afterwards Sprocketbek.
Trouble brewed right there and then as Giraffe`s 'family and buddy' was heavy BMW fanatics and he was taking severe strain under them the whole time...KTM support in the form of Fidel and Sprocketbek added to the conversation for some very funny chirps.
We started celebrating with ice cold brewski`s(Wannabe,Fidel,Sprocketbek,Giraffe and bro in law)

Part of the entertainment was the Buel  performance






...i think it is time for a piston and ring change to stop that pony from smoking so much. ;D
Jokes aside, you could not even hear the slightest grunt from that matjien and man and machine made the stuff they did look effortless.

Here the Buel must be feeling right at home...at the back of a trailer. ;D

Celebrations continued till very late that night in the main tent. Fidel and myself decided it was time to check in and headed off to our tent only to be violently attacked by Wannabe who refused to take 'i am sleeping' for an answer.
Newguy and his kompadre Beer also joined in at some stage.  Fidel persevered and crawled back but i got up and joined them at the fire...only for Wannabe to fall asleep on us.  Sprocketbek and myself continued to chat away till very early in the morning.
Waking up i was greeted with misty weather. PistonPete and Newguy`s ponies.


Up for Italian coffe in the mokka

Some other couzzie`s waking up

The couzzie with the red toy in the pic below had the best music and system in his car. He was
providing not stop music 24/7

Sprocketbek`s tent...we were on the point of phoning 911 when we started seeing movement.

Time for breakfast...a decent dose of bacon and eggs. That pan in the pic is legendary, well travelled and
if you walk into Doringbaai with that pan people will bow down...Fidel treated the masses in the pub(just there in the  kaggel) to a prawn evening on a last visit.
Beer,Newguy,Fidel and PistonPete

Brekkie went down well with cheff Fidel(thanks bru)

And now, as there seems to always be 'bad news' with such a fun trip....we found our very bestes friend and sould mate like this...question is, why can he not hold his liquor?

Packing up turned out to be a very long and tedious task..making it even more difficult by more beers and a very inviting shady tree.


Next thing we know PistonPete jumps on his pony, look over his shoulder and shout something about feeding the goldfish at home...leaving us with two Acropovs screaming 'arieva derchi' to our ears.  ;D ;D
Sprocketbek,Newguy,Beer,Wannabe, Fidel and myself decided the only way back must be past Calabash.
Off we went... Once there, the Harley crowd arrived. Their leader graciously offered to buy us a round of water with a slice of lemon in but we smilingly declined this generous offer.

Shortly after that we were met by humongous thunder(i thought it was Judgement day ;D) turning out to be a huge bunch of WD`s on their Sunday noob ride. Turns out they were following an oil trail which lead them to the Harley`s by Calabash and not to Oom Foerie`s twin which they originally thought ;D

I did spot a split second of identity crises in Basset`s eyes as the Harley guys grabbed their staaldakke to leave. Basset and Oom Foerie stayed behind when the rest left and we kuiered a bit more. What a nice bunch of guys.  Oom Foerie did admit to me in strickest confidence that coming from a rural background, he once thought Calabash was just bad farm English for 'kaalbas' and he was expecting some topless babes there  ;D
Fidel left his phone at home accidentally and my battery was dying fast....the last call Fidel got was from the missus`s at home and i can say in all honesty that it was not a friendly one. We were both threatened with no ....just leave it at that...severly threatened...see pic below(having our coljones removed,eina hel)

Funny how quickly woman can bring a point across  ;D
We said our good bye`s in a hurry and left. Luckily i had the pan with me when i got home...but it still was not pretty.

Swallows was very enjoyable. We did not experience any problems whatsoever.
NOTHING rev`s like a SUZUKI!!!!NOTHING(slowly but surely getting my hearing back)
PistonPete,Basset,Sprocketbek, Newguy,Beer,Giraffe and Oom Foerie which we had a bit more interaction with, you guys are top notch and we had a great jol. To the other WD`gers, you look like a very nice bunch and looking forward to meeting more of you.


We will have to return next year to look for that Swallows badge.
PS:Sometimes, one just have to experience things for yourself and not lend your ears out too much. ;)

thanks for the cool ride report. It was great to meet all of you and have a big jol. I pulled out early on Sunday morning on my trusty stead (looong before you boy lifted your heads) and had a slow ride over Du toits Kloof pass.
Sorry to hear about "The Rat's" drinking problem, you need to get him some help. ;D ;D
Thanks all. PP and myself had camera problems and don't have a single pic, which is a shame as we had a nice technical ride on Sat morning where we almost got decapitated due to a poorly marked fence. Other observation: Big KTM's are not necessarily good mountain climbing machines (Sorry PP  ;D )
Judging by the injuries that I spotted at the Rally, It seems that the women are the wild ones. Plenty of women with slings and bandages (also some lekker sleezy looking ones  >:D ) See you next year @ the swallows
PS. I have a badge  ;)
Check you on the flip...
As this was my first foray into Biker Rallyedom i kept pretty quiet....this was mainly due to the pressure of my eyes bulging out looking at these strange & sometimes wonderfull people along with excrutiating ear bleeding pain of wankers throttling their bonies to death....or NOT in the case of the Suzukis...will these Suzukis never die...
I will be back ;D HOWEVER....we need more representation from the WD's. There seemed to be certain amount of respect from the okes for the dirt riders..(or they could't figure out where the other 3 cylinders were) & they gave us good chirps. KTM....kom try my....new one for me!
The Motard riders were great & had their own band of brothers & they gave beer....
To the WD's i hung out with....you guys are the greatest!!! I had a great time & its to be repeated. Thanks to you all ;D
Yirre but my 990's flippen heavy going up that cliff china! ::) & thanx for the heads up on that fence :eek:
About that Seafood fest.... ;)
Cool pics and awesome party
You can just replace the D with B (for beer).
And one again, thanx for that huge breakfast and ice cold beer.
Just one question: Was it an African or European Swallow ?

Beer said:
Cool pics and awesome party
You can just replace the D with B (for beer).
And one again, thanx for that huge breakfast and ice cold beer.
Sorry, beer, ek sal gou jou naam gou in ere herstel in die thread.
When I arrived Friday evening Piton Pete and Newguy had already pitched their tents. Was nearly dark so pitched mine closeby and proceeded to the beertent. Had a good couple of drinks and many laughs. Pics not postable.....

Piston Pete getting ready for the Saturday:



Newguy and Piston Pete:

Imagine a Dualsport bike being kept this clean:

Saturday afternoon went for a swim in the pool. Was starting to look like a bowl of soup but just had to cool down. Then met Giraffe, Dustsucker etc at the drags/stunts. Ice cold beers!

The view from my tent when I woke up Sunday morning. I didn't even know it had been misty earlier until I saw the other pics:

Fidel Catso cooking breakfast:

Great breakfast, thanks guys. I was however a bit off-colour and feeling very much like the rat.



Lekka ride back to Calabash. First time I've been through Slanghoek must confess. Must do it again soon. What a surprise meeting the other WD's there. Took a leisurely ride over Bainskloof. Toktokkie & Andy660R came flying past but I refrained from trying to keep up.
Cool pics....definately will have my camera ready for the next ride!!
Pete, on the top fotie, does your back tyre look off centre to your number plate is it just the way the shadow is casted?
Just surprized nobody challenged me to post Friday night pics...........


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