The Chronicles of the 2010 EC Bash

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J-dog said:
GlenInk said:
Snafu said:
Blame his mates, we are suppose to look after each other!!!

Like, help to lift the bike on the bar counter :p

Don`t make jokes like that ! Some people don`t like it !  :peepwall: :peepwall: :peepwall:

Glenn, you're definitely a burnout, rev through the tents sort of guy, judging from your enjoyment of the KTM Rallye Raid  >:D

Exactly  :p
SlowPoke said:
Strys said:
Hi there to all that attended the bash.Thanks for a great weekend.And especially for those I kept awake, I would like to apologise.But really guys, why so cowardly drive 800km's and wait till you get home to complain.And comparing to last year's bash, (spinning a motorbike on a barcounter, throwing chainlube cans in an open fire with people around), GET REAL!
And for those of you that feel I should get banned over something silly like this, please don't hesitate and please don't feel bad, because I won't.
Strys, apology accepted for my part. Thank you for posting as well.

I think the long and short is that the behaviour should be banned and perhaps not so much the Strys. All camps/bashes/rallies have a certain tone of feeling about them that can be different and indeed is different. I do'nt know you from a bar of soap except for three things - you helped a felow dog pull his bike from a bush, you won a 50% off a Mitas tyre and you were the idiot (and I am using it as the feeling was at the time) that limited his bike at 3 am 5 meters from my tent. I called for your banning but since you did come forward let me rather recall that and propose that we are more clear on the kinds of behaviour at each event/bash that will be acceptable. Events where limiting bikes between tents at 3am is a condoned activity are events where I will choose not too attend and so conflict can be avoided.

We live and learn.

A very appropriate response. A dog has a short memory span. He has a fight, gets over it and gets on with it. Us dawgs could do the same.
letsgofishing said:
Captain Slow said:
I hope you okes have your pensions in order.....

4 Star lodge se moer man.


What next? No wheelies?

Coming from the man who stayed at the Pink Lodge at the last Bash?
That's rich!

If i had feelings they would be hurt now.
I must be one of the biggest d**ses in the country. Revving the bike at 3AM in the morning would be considered tame to the kak that I've caused in my life. And if I had to lie awake every night worrying about what people thought about me, I would die of a heart - attack ...... 20 years ago.
Shit, I'm going to have to watch myself at bashes from now on. No more heavy boozing so that I can't even remember what happened the next morning and people are checking me skew. No more puffing a quick skelm one with D7 or sorry no I mean Ganjora because shit, that stuffs illegal man. And all.
At the last year end bash I got so knackered I didn't even hear when the guy revved his bike in the wee hours of the morning (and he did, or was it a bakkie?), I was passed out solid. But believe me, it's the kind of thing I could do if I got Brandy in.

Eish, ek gaan moet soet wees.
Laat my dink aan die groot kak wat n anner ou gemaak het toe hy sommer so in die rivier gepis het.  :biggrin:
Cave Girl said:
Mmm Leondude we going to have to set up tent as opposite ends of the camp site cause I'm with you on that one  :D
Nah - let's invite all our friends and keep the whole camp awake with a "Giggling under the mattress" contest  >:D  >:D  >:D
LeonDude said:
I must be one of the biggest d**ses in the country. Revving the bike at 3AM in the morning would be considered tame to the kak that I've caused in my life. And if I had to lie awake every night worrying about what people thought about me, I would die of a heart - attack ...... 20 years ago.
Shit, I'm going to have to watch myself at bashes from now on. No more heavy boozing so that I can't even remember what happened the next morning and people are checking me skew. No more puffing a quick skelm one with D7 or sorry no I mean Ganjora because shit, that stuffs illegal man. And all.
At the last year end bash I got so knackered I didn't even hear when the guy revved his bike in the wee hours of the morning (and he did, or was it a bakkie?), I was passed out solid. But believe me, it's the kind of thing I could do if I got Brandy in.

Eish, ek gaan moet soet wees.

Lekker Leon ;D ;D ;D
I cannot believe people are moaning about revving a bike at a bike gathering..... goeie fok en dan vra hulle vir banning.

Jinne mense kry 'n lewe..... :peepwall:

Rev is deel van bikes...

Maskien moet julle die 4x4 club join..... ek was daar dis kak boring en hulle rev jou nie wakker nie ;D ;D
Captain Slow said:
letsgofishing said:
Captain Slow said:
I hope you okes have your pensions in order.....

4 Star lodge se moer man.


What next? No wheelies?

Coming from the man who stayed at the Pink Lodge at the last Bash?
That's rich!

If i had feelings they would be hurt now.

Ja Cappie!!!!  :biggrin:

Ag well it was lekka there and dry and a good laugh too!!!  :imaposer: :imaposer:
Maybe a few ground rules, or rather guidelines should be set BEFOREHAND. The people will understand that limiting a bike at 3AM is not good.
The thing is, many of the people attending our bashes have also attended Rallies in the past, and the difference is just not too obvious. So ok, just ask nicely that people do not do certain things, and I'm sure everyone will understand.

1. Don't rev limit your bike.
2. Don't give LeonDude a p**sklap because he tjooned your cherrie.
3. etc.

Not rules, rules are sommer kak. Just ask nicely BEFOREHAND, then you can kak the oke out afterwards.

Bike use and conduct:

2. Behave in an orderly manner
3. Riding, participation and storage of motorcycle and/or vehicles are done at own risk
4. No riding on the farm is permitted without a completed Indemnity Form (do so at Registration), should you neglect to do  
   so; you will be asked to vacate the premises
5. Misconduct and misuse will result in you being asked to vacate the premises
6. Misuse and un-conduct like behaviour on the farm will lead to you being asked to vacate the premises
7. NO wheelies, spinning, elephant-turns or doughnuts permitted on premises
8. NO burn outs on the premises
9. NO “sinking the real wheel to make the bike stand” on premises
10. NO night time driving on the premises
11. NO bikes in any buildings
12. NO unlicensed riders allowed
13. NO unroadworthy bikes allowed

I think we all agree that we are not a "RALLY" and all of us wants to get away from that stigma!!!
Horsepower, that is a good set of guidelines for a game farm, but not all bashes are like that. Ever been to a Vrystaat bash?
Those okes will make mincemeat out of those guidelines.
It's obvious that not all bashes were born equil, and that if the bash is in a sensitive area like a game farm, guidelines should be given so that all can understand that it is a game farm.
But then there are places where you can let your hair down...
LeonDude said:
I must be one of the biggest d**ses in the country. Revving the bike at 3AM in the morning would be considered tame to the kak that I've caused in my life. And if I had to lie awake every night worrying about what people thought about me, I would die of a heart - attack ...... 20 years ago.
Shit, I'm going to have to watch myself at bashes from now on. No more heavy boozing so that I can't even remember what happened the next morning and people are checking me skew. No more puffing a quick skelm one with D7 or sorry no I mean Ganjora because shit, that stuffs illegal man. And all.
At the last year end bash I got so knackered I didn't even hear when the guy revved his bike in the wee hours of the morning (and he did, or was it a bakkie?), I was passed out solid. But believe me, it's the kind of thing I could do if I got Brandy in.

Eish, ek gaan moet soet wees.

:imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer:
Wish everybody will stop talking shit one this thread and stick to the topic ,and report on the awesome bash that Watty organised,what a good time was had and f*ck the negative shit,we here to rave about the bash ,not slag the shit about anyone.
bradleys said:
Wish everybody will stop talking shit one this thread and stick to the topic ,and report on the awesome bash that Watty organised,what a good time was had and f*ck the negative shit,we here to rave about the bash ,not slag the shit about anyone.
You are right!
Captain Slow said:
letsgofishing said:
Captain Slow said:
I hope you okes have your pensions in order.....

4 Star lodge se moer man.


What next? No wheelies?

Coming from the man who stayed at the Pink Lodge at the last Bash?
That's rich!


If i had feelings they would be hurt now.


Ek voel sommer lus en gebruik die "Report to Moderator" knoppie.    Please this is my thread and it is titled "The Chronicles of the 2010 EC Bash"  -  Generally a chronicle is a historical account of facts and events ranged in chronological  order, as in a time line.  The way things are going lately it will be moved to the R&P board and re-titled "The EC Bash Mudslinging Contest".

So, please the Bash was much, much more!  The game rides in the "tunnels", the food, the 'kuiering' in the bar, etc. are what I will remember -  I have already put the one incident of irresponsibility out of my mind - why, I do not even have photos of the act, I would rather post  those that dignify what adventure riding and a WD bash should be all about (at least in my view point).  

A comment was made that the venue was "to upmarket" - now that is IMHO just so untrue.  I am sure that everyone that was there and attended will support my view on this.  No complaints were raised re the outrides, game rides, food, and any of the other facilities.

OK, now lets move on ..............

Hey, well done dude for organising the whole thing. I can imagine it was a shed load of work.  :thumleft:

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