The Dinosaur and the Ghost Town

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Race Dog
Mar 11, 2012
Reaction score
Honda XRV 750 Africa Twin
The Dinosaur and the Ghost Town
                                                              Diepgezet: The return.
So here I is once again checking out how you “Ous” have like been riding you Boneys all over the show and ive been like stuck with the family “Gooites” “Gooites” so I was “Sommer Lekker” jealous of you “Ous” that I “Sommer” just like here and now decided I needed to “Gooi” my Ass in the “Saal” of my Boney and go for a “Lekker” cruise as well.
Now as the long weekend was coming up I kinda “Gooid” the idea in my “Kop” over a cold one or two to go back to that “Spook Dorp” that I “Kuiered” at last year. Diepgezet(As you “Ous” no that I dig my cold ones and for the new “Ous” on the site, now you “Ous someer” no as well.)
“Gooid” the idea at the Rug Rats and another “Goose” Natasha and they all schemed it was a “Lekker” idea as well.
So the night before we is gonna “Vertrek” on out “Moerse” journey we get all the kit together and as my daughter and new son in law “Gootes” is going up in a “Bakkie” cage thingy we “Gooi” our kit in it.

Then we sits and contemplates over a cold one or two about how “Lekker” this trip is gonna be and I “sommer” brag about the “Moerse” Famous Honda and all of the “Lekker” riding we “Ous” is gonna do. The feature “Skoon seun “ Jonty is “Lekker” jealous that he “Sommer” vows right there and then that he is gonna also “Koop” a DP Boney  so he can also cruise along with the Two “Moerse” strong Dinosaurs WD bikers “Ous”

Now we was once again is supposed to leave early, but “Nooit” the old “Kop” was not “Lekker” again as I scheme I had one or two too many cold ones and some hooligan juice too much.
So we get the Boneys gear  on as our own.

A “Ou would not scheme we had a “Moerse Kop seer” if you look at these two.
I think they is “Moerse” excited.

See my baby Rug Rat (Zannie) feels at least like her Old Man.

Although this one also looks too fresh for my liking.

We Goois our Boneys in gear and the cage is following us “Ous” as we hit the road.
First stop Cullinan then we was off to Bronkhorstspruit and then
We “Goois” a stop at this “Padstal”

Dam I bought a lotta “Gooites” at this possie.

We was not cruising on the highways as we wanted to see some scenery and to be able to have a cold one or two on route as my “Kop” was hurting again. Lucky my helmet was once again keeping it together. He he
We stopps to “Gooi” in some petrol in in Carolina and noticed one of the bloody spots had broken its casing so we quickly made a plan with cable ties.

There we go all fixed and so we could continue our journey,
Hows this for a “Lekker” sign?

That energy “Gooit” looked very inviting, but by now my “Kop” was lots better.


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