The Two "Moerse" Strong Dinosaurs, the Bikes and Nam are at it again.

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subie said:
Really crap getting old and being in shit condition.
If you were a horse with a bum knee like that Ian would have had to shoot you right there and then.
Can just see the pic in a year or so of your white bleached bones in the desert half covered in sand
and the wind whistling gently through your ribs.  O0

Stem saam Sub, maar gaan le? nooit, i dont i no how.
Thanks next time we go  to Nam i will make sure Ian aint got no gun with him. "Ek watch vir julle twee.  :biggrin:  :imaposer: :imaposer:
los my ribbes uit no wind "gooites" too blow through them thanks.  :biggrin: :imaposer: :imaposer:
Yo Allen - why no pic of the child you conceived somewhere there last year?  :peepwall:  :pot:

Master Glitter said:
Yo Allen - why no pic of the child you conceived somewhere there last year?  :peepwall:  :pot:

Hey hey, A ou is innocent untill he is handed a baby or some such thing.  :biggrin: :biggrin:
Three Dawg said:
Very manly report!  :biggrin:

Cool Three Dawg. Hope so thanks  :biggrin:  :imaposer: :imaposer:
Day 19: 17th October:  Norotshama to Norotshama (Route Our possie to Canyon to Spar and back) 30km
Wake up early, feeling better but the old stomach is still a bit tender, although the rest of my body feels like shit.
At least im holding down liquids, even my beloved Cold Ones.
Have some breakfast, it stays in. Mmm quite chuffed I am with myself.
Well seems that we done “blou boggerol” yesterday, we hop on our “Boneys” and go and check out this canyon.

Huh! All that has to happen now is that an Indian Ou must jump out, well then I will be in the “kaaak”

The ride through it was amazing, reminded me of my Cowboy days. (I was called man with no name, so I could not die) He he

Come out on check this amazing view.
Must say just this short ride stuffed me up. Felt like all of my “binne goed” was “stamping” each other, never mind the rest of the old body.
Go back to the Spar; buy myself a Bun and a Russian.
Get back to our possie and I took a whole hour to devour it. Lucky I was “moerse honger” or els it would of taken longer.

We lay around the pool area drinking Cold ones and coke, Ok!! Mainly me, Ian has his sweet tooth out and was making a "Moerse" dent in there ice cream supply.
Later on us ous all checked out the Rugby.
Super time calls on us. I is “stukkend” hungry.
Us nice group of ous share a table and talk “kak” and enjoy ourselves.

Us ous at the table.

My Food. Vienna Schnitzel.

Ian’s food. Lasagna.

Pudding. Steamed figs in Ice Cream with raspberry sauce.
Sat around chatting like a bunch of old people, had another “lekker” Cold one and called it a day, or night, not sure, you ous choose.
For the ous that could not find the bokkie. Here is the hidden Bokkie.

Day20: 18th October  Norotshama to  Springbok to Kuruman.(Route C13 – B1 – N7 – N14)  825km
Our trip had to come to an end. My “Boet” which I hadn’t seen for three years was coming to Pretoria, so we had once again had to change our plans.
Now maybe it was a good thing or els we may gave cruised for another week as we was discussing the Richtersveld area, down the coast to Cape Town.
We head for the border. Namibia side 10 minutes and we were on our way. SA side same. Fastest border crossing we ever had.
(Sunday)  Mental note to myself, we must cross borders on Sundays, Then I remember that when we went into Nam it was also a Sunday and it took two bloody hours to cross, note to self, disregard first note. Bloooody strange places these border crossing places.
We cross the mighty Orange River.

We hands up for our friendly border police.

We push through to Springbok. Fill up our bikes tanks and say our good buys.
I still have a “moerse” distance to go, the road is quite, just the way I like it, so I open up and cruise at 160km.
Three hours later the wind picks up and I’m forced to drop my speed to between 100 and 120 as I’m getting tossed all over the show.
Stop in Upington and have a quick Steers Burger, then push on for Kuruman, the wind is hectic, rain clouds are building up.
17h30 I reach Kuruman, book in at the same possie as when I went up. They were busy closing for the night when I arrived. Lady Luck was on my side.
Managed to get Four Cold Ones to keep me company.
The Palermo restaurant is closed. (Don’t believe that sign)

I op for some Kentucky and a coke for Supper.

Day 21: 19th October Kuruman to Klerksdorp (Route N14 – R507) 360km
Nothing exciting happened.
Pushed to get to Klerksdorp, Stopped at My mate Danies possie Pirate Inn and had a Cold One or two and spoke some “kak” and good stuff also.

Then it was to my Daughter and Tappets and Peanuts possie.
Had a “lekker” Braai and just relaxed.

Day 22: 20th October Klerksdorp to Pretoria (Route N12 – R54 – R50 – No name road – R28 – N14) 270km
Left about 11h00, got to Pretoria around 15h00,.
Needed a Cold One or two along the ride home. Otherwise nothing exciting on route.
Well that was our trip Guys and Gooses, hope you ous enjoyed the ride with us.

Distance Traveled:  About 6022 km
Petrol usage:            A “moerse” lot again.
Food Intake:              We want say anything, except that we ate well.
Beverages:                Cold ones, Hunters Gold and such, Coke, Grape Tizer, Smirnof ice coffee, hot chocolate, aaah water, Oros, Mizina Mix.

Tyres:                         Honda= Mitas E07 on rear, Michelin T63 on front: Yamaha: Mitas E07 on rear, Mitas E10 on front
Cost:                           A “kak Huis vol geld weer”

P:           Never did have that convo with that Alien ou.
Ps:         Hardly any damage to the Fauna and Flora by us Except for that poor snake: By nature and man together and wild animals, Lots.
Pss:      No damage to any of the beer bottles or cans etc except for emptying them
Psss:    Damage Report: Honda: One flat tyre (Tube replacement) Brake pads front and back. Lost both head light protectors.

                                          Allen: One Knee, one arm, one food poisoning, hammering to body.
                                          Ian: Knees started to feel it, hammering to body.

Pssss:  This was the best trip to Namibia so far; it felt as if she opened up herself to us.
We saw more of her beauty and wildlife on this trip than the others combined.

We once again shared and tested our friendship,  we spent 19 days on the road together, we got “moerig” with each other,  we laughed each day and a few times on those sandy sections we prayed like hell.
We enjoyed each other’s company, we are the “bestes” of friends.
                                      The Two “Moerse” strong” Boneys”.
                                                        The Honda

                                                        The Yamaha

We see nature, we ride the roads, we share our dreams, we see harmony, we see sunrises, we see sunsets, we see the beauty of the land, we see cruelty, we endure the heat, we survive the cold, we have not found that one picture perfect moment, we have found lots, our bodies have taken a beating, we have been, we will return to this land.

                                        The Two” Moerse” Strong Dinosaurs

                                                          Me “Allen I” 


                                              Ian “Ian in Great Brak River”

For more action related RR’s about the Two Moerse Strong Dinosaurs.
Back page them on previous RRs on a computer near you

The two Dinosaurs take a trip. HIGHWAY TO HELL. By ALLEN I
The two Dinosaurs do Namibia.  By ALLEN I
The two Dinosaurs are at it Again (The Sea). By ALLEN I
Southern Nam Ride. By Ian in Great Brak River
The Klein Karoo Meander. By Ian in Great Brak River
Anti clockwise to St Lucia. By Ian in Great Brak River
The Goat Ride…. Or should that be the Goats Ride. By Ian in Great Brak River
Agga  No, those two Mad Dinosaurs and Junior go to Nam. The ride begins. By ALLEN I
Namibia – Spitzkoppe & Grootberg – 2 videos. By Ian in Great Brak River
Namibia – Kunene River Road,D3700 & D3701 – Video. By Ian in Great Brak River
November 2014 – Video – Southern Compilation. By Ian in Great Brak River
The Dinosaur goes to the Kzn Bash. By ALLEN I

Short RR stories
A Dinosaur a plaas pat and a Bokkie with a kort rokkie  By ALLEN I
A Dinosaur and a what “Road Block” By ALLEN I
A Dinosaur a cruise and a small mistake. By ALLEN I
A dinosaur takes a Sunday Cruise. By ALLEN I
A Dinosaur has some fun with lane splitting. By ALLEN I
The two Dinosaurs loose there cold ones. By ALLEN I
The Dinosaur, The time Machine and the Missing long Weekend. By ALLEN I
The Dinosaur. The Cous. The “lekker” Surprise. By ALLEN I
The Dinosaur and the not so “Lekke Ekke” “Spiet Kop” By ALLEN I

                                                            Till Next Time

Thanks Allen - really lived and rode this journey with you nd Ian  :lamer:  :spitcoffee:  :sip:

A great RR; thanks for sharing  :thumleft:
4 Kays said:
Thanks Allen - really lived and rode this journey with you nd Ian  :lamer:  :spitcoffee:  :sip:

A great RR; thanks for sharing  :thumleft:

Hey4Kays glad to have had you riding with us. theirs so much beauty out there, one just has to have the will to say lets go ride. Glad you enjoyed it mate.  :biggrin:  :3some:  :ricky: :ricky:
who new my mad cousin could actually become quite eloquent and philosophical in his later years. Great report and one days one day, I will be there.
shanti said:
Great ride report and beautiful Namibian images

Thanks Shanti glad to have shared it with you guys.  :ricky: