The Wife, the Ex and the Kid

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Agggg noooo...

This was great!!

Post some more pics....I need a new background  :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

How would you compare the X to the 640 ?
Seeing as you have spend a lot of time on both.

what a great report!
what an absolute pleasure to read
stunning photographs

thank you for sharing this epic trip!
:thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:
Thank You very much MJ and family for sharing your trip with us.
Dear MJ, Tharina & Peanut,

I'm close to tears!  I can't believe this is over, I've been there with you every part of your trip, I've loved it, thank you.  I'm so blessed to have been a part of your journey at this stage of my life :)  You see I've only been riding a few months and this is what makes me want to experience life like the 3 of you are.  It makes me want to be great on a bike so that I can share these experiences with my husband too (Would I?).  We are planning our first trip to Namibia next year August :)  It started on the first night I started reading your report! :)

I'm going to miss your beautiful pictures, humourous and touching words and daily kick of inspiration, but somehow I imagine another ride report like this will not be too far in the future for us junkies to wait for ;)  I'm also pleased to know I've some history to go read as well, in your other reports.

Thank you,
chrisL said:
Oom Foe-rie said:
Yes MJ ................... and what a nice guy this Bonzai is. Did you meet his mom and dad ......... Johan and Grietjie Combrinck ? Johan was the local dominee and hotel owner when I was there some years ago. We stayed there for about a week and I went on one of the night harvest's with Bonzai. Hell that guy can shoot .................  :thumleft:
And Johan were the dominee at Van Wyksdorp near Ladismith Cape before he bought the hotel in Koës. Bonzai is Johans son-in-law.
Stunning people all of them!
Im glad you had a safe trip MJ and family.
Thanks for posting.
The best report,that I have read,,well done all of you.

Chris by the way,your mother were me and Bonzai's english teacher
Metaljockey said:
Day 29 Grootfontein, Okamatapati, Okondjatu, Hochveld, Omitara, Arnhem Caves.



Beautiful tortoise, but this is for all you dogs out there who come across these on a weekly basis.

FYI: As a matter of interest, a Tortoise keeps a store of water in his shell for those dry spells. (He moves at KLR speeds, it takes while to move from one water source to another)

When you pick them up, they don't pee on you, their stash of water falls out. To remedy this problem, give him some more water to drink before you leave, it could save his life.

Best bet, pick him flat, to move him off the road, if you want to look at him, try and get to his level.

If he has lost his water, dig a small furrow, put some water in it and put the tortoise inside it, he will collect what he needs and move on.
Reg said:
Beautiful tortoise, but this is for all you dogs out there who come across these on a weekly basis.

FYI: As a matter of interest, a Tortoise keeps a store of water in his shell for those dry spells. (He moves at KLR speeds, it takes while to move from one water source to another)

When you pick them up, they don't pee on you, their stash of water falls out. To remedy this problem, give him some more water to drink before you leave, it could save his life.

Best bet, pick him flat, to move him off the road, if you want to look at him, try and get to his level.

If he has lost his water, dig a small furrow, put some water in it and put the tortoise inside it, he will collect what he needs and move on.

That is very interesting, I'll keep it in mind.
Thank you all for the replies. You should get a pat on the shoulder too. You wouldn't know it, but if you got this far you worked your way through about 600 pictures.

One more.


This collapsible tripod made life very pleasant. Ace piece of kit.

The other piece of kit that stood out once again was the hammock. We just needed two from time to time.

For the guys that wanted some detail on the bike, here's the thread.;topicseen#new

Metaljockey said:
Thank you all for the replies. You should get a pat on the shoulder too. You wouldn't know it, but if you got this far you worked your way through about 600 pictures.

One more.


This collapsible tripod made life very pleasant. Ace piece of kit.

The other piece of kit that stood out once again was the hammock. We just needed two from time to time.

For the guys that wanted some detail on the bike, here's the thread.;topicseen#new

Looked at exactly the same type of stand being sold at Sportsman's Warehouse. Stainless I seem to remember and folds totally flat when the one leg is unclipped! Nice...........
Thanks, thanks and more thanks, MJ!  That was really great to read (and watch)! a month of riding, dust, heat and simple things to enjoy - done it several times with family in the 'Cruiser (or on exploration trips for work), can't wait when my son is old enough (only 18 months to go!) - I promised him a trip like that - dad & son riding and sleeping where the road takes us.

Thanks, a most enjoyable read!
Thanx for sharing an awesome report Metaljockey.

the general rule of thumb is that this type of trip goes out the door when one has children, but what better way to do it than in this fashion.

Looking forward to the next one!!!!
Reading this was just absolutely bloody amazing!
I am longing, wondering why one would want to spend time in an office, except for financing the trips!
And that's a work day wasted...well will be according to the boss, I beg to differ!

I am with Pastor-Willem and others, BEST RR of 2009!!
What is this doing here? Should have been in the roll of honour days ago :)
This was a stunning trip report MJ, I enjoyed it immensely, thank-you for sharing it with us all. I reckon you should publish the trip in a book with all your photos, it was that good and so informative, the photos are spell binding. I followed your trip from day to day, read every word and studied every photo. Thank-you.
I've read it, re-read it and am reading it again.  Love it and your camera work is outstanding!  Inspiring.  Makes me wish ...
Thanks MJ. Reading this makes you realize that we do have all the privileges in life, here in Africa.

Well done!!  :thumleft:
I want to recommend this RR for the Roll of Honour!
Thank you MJ and Family for the RR, Pics and comments - this have actually taken me with you on the trip. As a novice adv rider I have also learned a lot and can honestly say I admire you and your family!
Hats off to all of you!! :thumleft:
WOW!!! I can't describe what reading your RR does to me!! Absolutely beautiful! I've had tears well up in my eyes on numerous occassions while reading it... Moments of melancholy... longing for places I've never been, missing people I've never met... Some laughs and smiles at all the good things, and just admiration for what you've done and the fact that you get to share it with the people you love most!!

Absolute respect to you and your family!! Thank you for sharing your experiences and thoughts with us!!

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