We were really getting a bit desperate now, probably the stage where you start throwing all caution to the wind ...
As we stopped at this next drift, Dawie walked in, but at knee-depth and less than a quarter in, the current started moving him ! I tried :

to smoke a cigarette, but wet cigarettes are shyte !!! :xxbah:
Next thing - Dawie got onto that Twin and went through like a bulldozer... a G@tvol Werner followed on the 1200... About halfway through the bike stuttered and spluttered, and steam blew out of the exhaust, but he made it to the other side!!
Then me, I entered the stream with force from the left, it pushed so hard that I exited at the right ...
We "forced" on, another 2 or 300m - next drift !! Dawie and me just went through - now really fed-up!!!
Then Werner followed - but disaster struck yet again!!! Luckily shallower than where I sunk my bike, but with a stronger current ...
Between the 3 of us, we couldn't move that 1200!!! And the more we struggled the more it moved to the side...
Eventually Werner discovered that the front of the injured bash plate broke off completely in the front, and stuck into the ground underneath the water, that's why he fell over!!!