WC to EC Bash Dedicated to KTM kev RIP

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jupiter said:
Mark Hardy said:
as usual it seems that you guys had a good time again  ;D  :thumleft:

Thanks for an enjoyable RR

So are we going to see you guys next year... 10 years

Will make a plan to be there. I am sure I can drag Judy and my Lazy ass down that side of the world.  :thumleft:
Superten, Andy , Kodgehopper , Lord K and Adv Hunter arriving out of the magic forest with happy smiley faces, what a route .  :ricky:


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Petrol station refuel

and some pics at KTM Kev's place. What a gorgeous place, just a few scattered houses next to the river and ocean , so desolate and awesome , wow .  :drif: and getting there was one of my all time favourite routes, and KEV , Bradleys and I were low-flying that twee spoor .... but the next morning on a sober tummy and hot nerves it was just the opposite  .  :imaposer:


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I think almost all of us fell on this route except for Andy , Bradleys and Robin Brown  , if you include the next morning , but superten just had the bad luck to fall right at the house where we could photograph him.  :biggrin: >:D


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Some group photos. What an amazing experience to stay over there  ...... hope we get invited back.  :peepwall: :biggrin:


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Lord Knormoer said:
2StrokeDan said:
Hoekom lyk Operator dan so inge-photoshop? :peepwall:

Want ons het hom by Smitskraal vergeet :joker:

Dan moes dit maar 'n stillerige trip huistoe gewees het  :imaposer:
2StrokeDan said:
Hoekom lyk Operator dan so inge-photoshop? :peepwall:

Hy reflekteer of absorbeer lig meer as die ander ouens miskien  :lol8:
Robin Brown said:
Thank you to the group, I had a great ride and enjoyed my first EC bash.
Here is a short video, which I hope illustrates the ride in all weathers.
WC to EC Bash

Thx Robin, looking good!

Please send me that last group photo from Malgas Pont.
post the hi res stuff to dropbox pls. PM me if you didn't receive an invite. Andy660 and LordKnormoer posted their stuff already