CERES KAROO RUN - Plaas basaar!

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Grey Hound
WD Supporter
May 28, 2007
Reaction score
Yamaha XT 660 Z
Kom nou Eselbank , waars die RR ?


Here's a real teaser!  Cool Boy, indeed.  :D


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Had to look this one up so I thought I'd share with those who don't know.

The word proctology is derived from the Greek words Proktos, meaning anus or hindparts and Logos meaning science or study.
  • OK !

    Crossed-up , AntonW,Mountainboy and myself , met at my place on Friday at 17h00 to ride throught to Trokkies house in Ceres.
    We took him up on his offer to stay in his stone cottage on the mountain.

    We only got to his house at 20h00 , (already dark)

    Never the less he offerd us coffee and then we took to the mountain road ( 2 spoor) in the black of night.

    A night ride up a mountain and through 2 small water crossings with rocks and lots of drainage humps.

    You will be amazed at how well you ride in the night , as you have full consentration on the road at hand.

    Trokkie had wood on the back of his KTM950 for the braai.That didnt slow him down though with Crossed-up following.I was sweeping.

    We all couldnt wait for the morning to see how beautifull it was there , and it wasnt dissapointing either.
    I climbed up the hill behind the stone cottage as dawn was breaking , so peacefull as the dawn crept over the horizon.




    The Driveway



    The ride back down to Trokkies farm felt much harder with all the loose rocks and wash aways than when we drove up in the night.

    Trokkie and his wife made is a lekker plaas breakfast ( Trokkie , Harlike dankie vir jou en jou vrou)
    Trokkie lives in this beautifull 1816 Cape Dutch House , with a beautifull garden and lawn surrounding.



    08h30 sharp , Eselbank and the rest of the riders and Boere in the Back up Bakkie piched up at Trokkies farm as it is on the route we were to follow.

    And by 0845 , we were off. Off to the Sonop Farm for a " Kerk Veiling/Basaar" en n` lekker midageete.

    Before I go any further.
    A big thanks to Eselbank , Trokkie and Boere for a lekker long ride , close to 800km for us Cape town guys in a day, but what a lekker ride , especially the route on the way back through Tankwa Nature reserve , the blue hazey mountains were breathtaking.
The ride up to The "Kerk Basaar" was a good pace and we were soon there.
There was an Opel corsa that had rolled some 165km out of Ceres and a bakkie that had burn out on the road.

At the basaar they had an aution of " Lamers" , (Lams?) , pigs etc ,Then they autioned what ever they could to raise funds.


We had braaied meat for lunch with salads and home made ginger beer.( and a cold beer or two)


Left, Trokkie , Eselbank ,Ball&chain , boere & Mountainboy


Boere left, Mountanboy and Crossed-up



After lunch we refueled at the farmers house .There was this old car there that had been adapted into a cactus "blomtuin"and the driver was still in it.





Eselbank led us to the next road which wound its way back through Tankwa .

AntonW`s KTM640 , started playing up and finally had an electrical fault that we couldnt find.Luckaly , Boere had come along with as back up with his bakkie.(with icebox an refreshments)

First we had to drain his fuel tank , so we used my portable fuel pump.


Left is Byron and Right is Boere


The next casualty , was ball & chain, he had a rear puncture  , but sorted it out and was on his way again.
We waited for the bakkie to catch up at the Tankwa Reserves offices , under a tree.


It seems the locals are taking advantage of Solar power now.


We were going to do Katbakkies , but we had lost too much time with the stops.

So we headed for home,on the way back it felt like I had broken somthing in my rear suspension , every time I went over a bump my bike swayed and in the mountain pass back down to Ceres it was all over the road ,then it started slowing down like somthing was seizing , erm , must have been tierd.I ran out of petrol.Durr.

Boere stopped and refuel my bike and off we went again , suspention still feeling bad.
Then we caught up with crossed-up , out of petrol some 10km from Ceres and I found my suspesion problem , my rear tyre was near flat and you couldnt touch the rim , it was so hot. (Another Durr for me!)

Finally we were in Ceres and I replaced my rear tube .

While I was changing the tube on my bike , Rynet was at the filling station across the road , making an ass of herself , sorry no pics , unfortunately.

She had refueled her bike and 2 guys were commenting on her bike with each other , so Rynet pushed the bike off the main stand and dropped her BMW at the fuel pumps with her falling on top of it , shame , in the eyes !!! :p

And that was the end of a great days riding and good company .
Thanks to all who made it possible.

We got home at 20h00
Thanks again Eselbank for organizing and everyone there.  We should do it again

My arival in Ceres

Trokkie's farm


Somewhere inbetween


A victem of the Karoo








The reason for my puncture.  Luckily I had a spare tube


Thanks Eselbank en al die dog's this was great fun even with all the problems(fun) we had. Glad we had the icebox with refreshments as i would not have made it to Ceres if i ran out of Amstell. Luckily for Anton we had some coke in the icebox and he had some Jack so he was sorted and before we hit Cape Town he was in bed with his bike :laughing4:with his sunglasses on :3some:

Thanks again to all. ;)
OK guys, here's my version (spelling?) :

Besides the guys that came from Cape Town on Fruday night to sleep st Trokkie's place in the mountain (Andy660, Crossed-UP, AntonW & Mountainboy aka the fierce drinker!), the rest met up at Skiba. Thanks for everyone, Ball & Chain, Rynet, Boere and Erhardt, for being spot on the time, and thanks to Andries for keeping his image as a late-comer(he phoned me 5min before the deadline in time to ask when we're supposed to meet!) So we left Ceres to meet up with the sleep-overs and Trokkie at his farm.

From there we took the R355 and had a rather long & dusty 190km to the farm. On our way we saw a few burnt-out vehicle's and a Slabbert Burger truck(wonder if he ran out of iesel?) to make the way shorter. On the way you could seriously see the differences between the gravel on the WC side, the road became much more interesting(due to it's condition) when we hit the NC side of it! This was not bad though as the R355 between Ceres & Calvinia is the logest gravel road in the counry!

Arriving on the farm we had a few beers and a very meaty lunch with some traditional Karoo food like meat, meat, meat and a few roosterkoeke and plaasbotter(I must mention that I thought the R100/piece was a little rough, but let's leave it there :mad:)

We then filled the horses and left for the rest of our route through the Tankwa Karoo. I thought this route was interesting, good amount of drifts and some jumps etc. But, it claimed 2 heads. Myself, Trokkie and Andries arrived at the Nat. Park's offices and used in only tree for some shade, it was f'kin hot! Rynet arrived to tell that B&C had a flat tyre, so we started waiting....... Then a bakkie past to tell us that one of the bikes had a breakdown, this was AntonW. After waiting long enough everyone pitched and we left for Katbakkies. Arriving at the turn-off and gathering up it was already 15h15 and we decided to take the R355 straight back to Ceres as it was getting late for the Capies(no offence!), needless to say that this was a good call as there was yet some trouble to come.........
After Andy660 and Crossed-Up ran out of petrol, having to wait for the bakkie carrying the spare fuel and AntonW's bike they eventually reach Ceres at about 17h20.

We had been waiting in the bar at Skiba for several brandies! As Trokkie would say at a gathering point on the route : "Ek gaan maar solank so stadig aanry" we left at the Katbakkies turn-off and had to wait just there untill we saw everyone was safely out of the Karoo! The 4 bikes and bakkies came in and we could have a final dop.

I thought this was a good day, thanks to all for taking the time to do the trip, I hope everyone enjoyed it, we did the exploring this year and I think one could make this an annual event if we sort out everyone's needs and make custom made arrangements at the Basaar itself.

Rynet, as you were taking an HUGE amount of pictures, would you please post all the pics you took! I didn't take the trouble to get pics because I saw you wouldn't miss a thing! This is a girl I'll recommend for any trip, she's a very dedicated photographer! Thanks Rynet, get that pics coming girl!!

Cheers everyone!  :thumleft: