Dads & Lads: Namaqualand & Karoo 2019 (Complete / Volledig)

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Wonder wanneer ons die bande vir motorfietse sal kry.
Archangel said:
Brucet said:

Excuse the novice question but why would you get so many flats here? Was it just unlucky or crap tires?

I had a TKC80 on the rear and we knew that this would be the last trip for this tire, but on Day 1, it was still in relatively good condition. Brent's Heidenau K60 Scout was brand new and Jo's Heidi K60 was probably about 60% spent, but still in OK condition too. I guess the roads just had many sharp rocks and perhaps we were a bit unlucky.  :dontknow:

Anyways, after my flat, Jo's comment was "Get a Heidi", not knowing that Brent already had a flat on his brand new Heidi.  :lol8:

I've always tripped with tubed tires, as my feeling was they can generally be repaired. Sure, it takes more time and effort, but you are less likely to be stranded next to the side of the road like this. I had a spare tube at home, but after all the promises of what tubeless tires should be, I tried to embrace it and left the tube at home. This was my first trip with tubeless tires and they confirmed what I have long feared...  :dousing:

So for all those believers in tubeless tires or for those who claim that tubeless is a game changer in ADV bikes, my take is that they are in fact a game changer in the wrong direction IMHO. But hey, that's just my take on it...

Look, I have had maybe 3 punctures in the nearly 200k km of gravel and each time I plugged it in 5 mins and carried on .... in fact my last solo trip I did not even take a pump over the same roads !!!

On our Lesotho trip in 2015, we did not have a single puncture with the same types of tyres .....

I read in the Kaokoland report that they had problems with mousses .....  no system is completely fail safe ....

I think that Arch was just unlucky, really unlucky .....  :dousing:
On the no dangerous animals out there part, dont you get leopard out there?

Awesome Ride report  :thumleft:
After the late dinner and beers, we called around for tires, tubes and whatever else we could find, but it was 23h on a Saturday and most people would either be babelas or in church the next morning. Jacques from KVB offered to help us fit whatever we could find at around 09h30.

Before morning broke on the 16th (shall we officially call this Day 2?), we were up and about, speaking to Jacobus who owns one of the garages and has M&M Wheels and Tires just around the corner from him. Turns out the first M was for Marius, who lives just about 100m futher up the road. He knows that only BMW rider in town, called Pieter Snyman and he'll ask whether Pieter perhaps has a spare tire that we could use. Finally Marius comes back with Oom Pieter's number and the message that he has a tire for us.

Die tannie van die hotel was also trying her level best to help out where she could, so she gave me a lift to Oom Pieter. When we got there, the deal soured a bit, as Oom Pieter realised that we were quite desperate. Suddenly instead of "having to anyways replace his rear tire", the wording changed slightly to something in the line of "I'll give you this one from my bike, but you'll have to pay for a new one that I'll now need to fit" and apparently the new tire of his liking was R2500, so I ended up having to pay him R2500 on the spot for his old Anakee. As perplexed as I was, I didn't have much of a choice. Maybe I'm just not used to being taken advantage of when I'm in a desperate situation?

Oom Pieter smiling all the way to the bank...


The the hotel tannie (I somehow can't remember her name) was so pissed off with Oom Pieter for ripping me off, that she wanted to redeem the town and conveniently remembered that Kef who fits tires for Jacques at KVB still owes her money. She doesn't know where he lives in the informal settlement, but she knows what car he drives. She didn't give me much of a choice, so I accompanied her to go and find Kef at his house, which we did without much trouble.

So now I have an overpriced rear tire and an underpaid fitter. All we need is for Jacques to unlock his posse so that the job can get underway...


You'll also see the BMW of Jacobus (from the garage) who popped in to check that we're getting the help we need. All in all it was a town effort to get us underway again (and a lesser extent fund the Snyman Trust).

I need to find a way to get fresh flowers to Carnarvon. Any ideas?


By 10am we were fitting the new tire...


And by 11h we were full of hope with a tire full of air and a bank account full of nothing, ready to leave our tire troubles and financial woes behind with the prospect of long dirt roads leading to Verneukpan!
En in die hele Carnarvon was daar nie n tube wat kon pas of gators nie? :eek:
ChrisL - DUSTRIDERS said:
En in die hele Carnarvon was daar nie n tube wat kon pas of gators nie? :eek:
Oom Chris, die tire was so gaar dat gators nie die ding sou doen nie...


En daar was nie een ander motorbike size tire of tube in die hele Carnarvon nie. Ek het toe maar die ou tire (vir wis en onwis) by Oom Pieter gelos. Hy gaan seker die volgende man weer R2500 charge vir daai stukkende tire ook!

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Definitief interessante trippie!
Ry lekker saam. :thumleft:
We need to all support that Tannie's hotel when in the area.

Pity about the Oom taking advantage but at least you got sorted.
Baie verkeerd om te judge!!! Ne!!    :pot:

Maar.... daai omie lyk sommer bietjie soos 'n shark met sy Ferrari jacket  :peepwall:

Daai tannie is 'n jewel though lyk dit my  :thumleft:
Btw, I almost forgot. It was Fathers Day! So had some Father & Son or Dad & Lad pics...


Luckily the planned route for the day was relatively short, so there was no need to rush.


In the meantime, Fried made some good progress on his own, passing through Clanwilliam just before 09h, towards Verneukpan.

Not too many stops on this route...





And finally...

The first order of business was to go and grab some firewood before sunset, so back to the reception, but there was nobody around. We ended up collecting whatever odds and ends we could scavenge.



We chatted to the people at the Campsite and apparently, just the night before, somebody cut the lock...  :-\

After dropping the firewood, the inevitable happened.

BBRRRAAAAP! [Videos to follow  :thumleft: ]

And Fried finally made it...


Some more pics, just because it's beautiful there...







Can't ever have too many panorama's of this place...  :thumleft:

Arch's SWAMBO says to me ......

....." a month before the trip, it is just trip in the garage and Whatsapp .....
.........then a week on the bikes ...............
.... and now every night on the ride report ... "  :imaposer:

We can never get enough of tripping !!!
Although I have been to the Verneukpan before, it stays an amazing place .....

...what strikes me is that until you are physically on the pan, you cannot see the pan .....

Then there is a joke that ...." to the east you can see tomorrow coming, and to the west you can see yesterday leaving ....."    ;)

I shared a caravan with the champion of snorers ..... and vowed not to share a room with him ever again .... without earplugs at least ...  :thumleft:
OK, ek sien nou die ander manne het hulle fotos op ons drive gelaai, so gaan maar nog 'n paar kiekies gooi...

The Campsite



Me and a whole lotta nothing...


For whom the bell tolls!
