Being "allowed into" this merry little group of 4, only a week before the actual trip started, I had not laid eyes on, or heard a word about the actual route- all I knew was "back roads round Lesotho down to Cape Town, Cedar Mountains and back..."
The night before I packed my trusted Triumph 1200 Explorer with camping gear and biltong. It was already raining.....
Meeting up with a team of dedicated riders at 5 am, in the rain, checking kit and filling fuel- it brings memories of an era long gone when the kit was a little more "sharp-endish"- nostalgia to say the least.
Day 1 was around 460km. Nothing really much, rain oh rain..
A bit of an unfortunate tumble in the mud for Batch, the loss of a camera for Dwerg- that was the most excitement team-wise. The drive was scenic though and the company good. All the ingredients that is needed to whip up a good sort of days of riding together.
Day two : much less distance, but wow: Lundean's Neck below the Lesotho Mountains must be one of the must do cruises- not difficult, but so nice to settle into the feel of it!
The we hit the jackpot- a back road up the mountain to Tiffendale- the highest point in South Africa they say. 15km took us a grueling 7 hours with 4 falls and a lot of sweat and pumping adrenalin. But worth it!