Duallies to Breeds Nek (again)

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Grey Hound
WD Supporter
Oct 6, 2011
Reaction score
North Yorkshire
KTM 990 Adventure
First, let me just say that I really failed with the camera on this ride. Many missed opportunities and many out of focus shots. I can’t wait to get my GoPro…

The last time I put together a ride over Breedts, the numbers grew very quickly and there was debate over whether it would be better to ride on the Saturday or the Sunday. Net result; White Rhino took over lead for a Saturday ride heading clockwise around the route, and I led an anticlockwise Sunday ride. The mud was crazy, claiming damages to both man & machine on both days. All in all it was success though, and many said they would have liked to join but couldn’t at the time.

Now, a month later, I organised another run at “Die Nek”, mainly for the sake of the guys that couldn’t make it last time, and because I wanted to check out the route going the other way.

Again, the numbers quickly grew, and with a few last minute joiners and drop-outs, we ended up with 21 bikes. Ten bikes met up in Fourways, and after two more stops at Phelindaba and Skeerpoort, we ended up at Mogallywood for breakfast at about 10:30. Progress thus far was slow, but I was in no hurry.

<img src="https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7049/7005826442_084ef889fa_c.jpg"/>
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I took individual pics of each bike there (except for four bikes hiding around the corner). I won't post all seventeen pics here - They're on the Flickr album.

Here's one artsy-fartsy shot I couldn’t resist…

<img src="https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7194/7005831160_25a65c8997_c.jpg"/>

There was a Honda CBR600 there which had seen better days. Apparently thee had been a party the night before, and Brandewyn + CBR = burnouts. I took some shots of the abused rear tyre.

<img src="https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5338/7151916203_a67bdd5291_c.jpg"/>

<img src="https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7243/7151916307_a0bb69ef84_c.jpg"/>

With full bellies (thanks to some fantastic grub) and smiles on our faces (thanks to truth-comes-out stories), we headed up Breedts. This was the easy way up, heading North over the mountain. It’s a great ride with very few technical bits, great winding corners, roadside drop-offs that add a little fizz, and the reward of a great view at the top.
The only casualties were a GS on its side and a Transalp pannier deciding to part ways with said Transalp.

<img src="https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8155/7005831562_1d057c32dd_c.jpg"/>

<img src="https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7234/7005831362_1f692702d3_c.jpg"/>

I tried catching a few guys on the way down the other side, but my camera’s battery was running low (poor planning) and the focus starts to give up when that happens, especially with moving targets. Here are the few I managed to get right-ish.

<img src="https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8143/7005826128_138b8c53d9_c.jpg"/>
<img src="https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7220/7151914755_88700ca31e_c.jpg"/>
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<img src="https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7125/7005825478_9029d76bc0_c.jpg"/>

We all bounced our way down the much more difficult northern side of Breedts without incident and stopped for a quick drink at the trading post at the bottom. By this point my camera had given up completely, but others took great shots (links below).

The day was warming up now, and the most difficult section had past. From here on we started covering ground at a pace. We went around the south side of Buffelspoort Dam, through Mooinooi for fuel, then followed the canal route all the way back to Harties.

At one point I found myself doing 120kph down a rough-ish dirt road sandwiched between WR on his HP2 and Judy on her KTM. My little Transalp did better than I thought it would…only dropping its number plate in protest…

We ended up at Upper Deck for a cold, frothy reward, and then went our separate ways.

Overall the ride was great fun. The dust was pretty bad, but the fact that most of it was stuck to my front teeth means I was clearly having a good time. The fellow bikers were all in high spirits throughout the ride, and it was great to have such support for what was really a very simple day out on the bikes.

Cheers for now Dogs.

Google map: https://g.co/maps/r6cvw
Flickr Album: https://www.flickr.com/photos/giggz/sets/72157629985776537/
Original Thread: https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=96477.0
Previous (muddy) anticlockwise run: https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=95577.0

Other reports (and much better pics) by:
Welsh & WR: https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=97845.0
    Part 1- https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=97836.0
    Part 2- https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=97837.0
    Part 3- https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=97838.0

My Gmail address is in my WD profile. Drop me a mail if you want the hi res versions of the pics. You can have ALL the pics I took, including the out of focus ones (150MB) or just the ones on this post (60MB). Add 57MB for the individual bike shots.

<img src="https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7231/7005826232_25f9fe4de7_c.jpg"/>

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