Highveld Dust Day

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Grumpy Mutt
Jan 27, 2006
Reaction score
So, I was not gonna ride, so I told Funacide the same at 8, but SWMBO said that I would just be hanging around irritating her, so what the hell chase the boys down.

Big advantage, I have a rough idea of where they are stopping for breakfast. So I missed the first section of sand and gravel by flying up the Highway to Cullinan and find them at the Wimpy!!!!!! Successss.

Found a sole BMW with 2 x KLR,s and a KLE? Here grabbing some fuel adfter breakfast.


And we were off to the quarry, but some nice dirt roads on the way.

The mottly crew at the quarry.



The quarry sand was not too severe, every one handled it well and it was fun for a while.

The lesser spotted KLE.


And the GSV in all her glory.


Then just when we about to leave, the boys had spotted some MX boys coming down a track.

So typically, off the boys went, to ?investigate? I followed and after a successful but rather ballerina like unprofessional exit up the rutted climb I was ok.

Suddenly realised I had left the last man behind, so I manouvered the pig around from the single track through the tuft grass to go back, 50 yards back saw him coming and had to manouvere the pig around again, the bitch is not easy in that tight stuff. But he was a gent and stopped to ask if I was ok.

The next section was a bitch, serious large loose and fixed rocks, sorry no photo,s again but ugly rocky bits, the pigs bash plate bears some new scars despite being significantly higher than she was.

Sorry no photo,s of that section.

Baldy, did well in the tricky rocky section, then rode feet down in the easy stuff, wanted to discuss it with him over a beer, but he wisely ducked before hand.

Anyway, the ride was good but uneventful, apparently Shark had an off but I was unfortunately miles away with the camera.

We then we were onto the railway line to head back.


We found a couple of guys who obviously recognised like minded souls, they were setting up to jump off the bridge the next weekend.



We rejoined the railway line track and I tried some moving photo,s not so great, by the time I got the camera going, I was left way behind and had to catch up with the digi in the left and throttle in the right.



Following Baldy, getting the hang of this now.


Anyway, good fun boys, despite a few hooligan bursts at the end, thoroughly enjoyable.

The spine feels much looser after the day, a great releaser of business tension.
