Malgas pont

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Dankie vir die deel. Nice fotos. ek wil die roete ook nog doen wanneer ek weer in daai geweste is!  :thumleft:
LoopSoosStroop said:

Wat kos dit om die pont te gebruik?

Niks, sover gratis, maar sien die pont is weer toe tot verdere kennisgewing

Received from the operators this afternoon.
"Pont operations were stopped by SAMSA earlier today indefinitely they have a new requirement re documentation, we are doing our best to obtain these asap
Will advise soonest, at this stage no idea when that will be
Can be a week or two or a month"

Sal die kinders vat as ons weer daar is.
Lekker lees en kyk rapport. Baie dankie vir die deel daarvan
First time I went over the pont was in '79 with a XT500 and SUZ370 on the trailer. Does anyone remember the pont at Port St John's, I went over with a Paystar with semi and kalfie, just managed to fit on it, and then hit the dirt to Lusikisiki. :thumleft:
windswept said:
First time I went over the pont was in '79 with a XT500 and SUZ370 on the trailer. Does anyone remember the pont at Port St John's, I went over with a Paystar with semi and kalfie, just managed to fit on it, and then hit the dirt to Lusikisiki. :thumleft:
Oh hell guess it was not built for that!!?? :eek: :eek:
windswept said:
First time I went over the pont was in '79 with a XT500 and SUZ370 on the trailer. Does anyone remember the pont at Port St John's, I went over with a Paystar with semi and kalfie, just managed to fit on it, and then hit the dirt to Lusikisiki. :thumleft:
I read this morning the new Malgas pont is stopped again by red tape. This time by SAMSA.(SA Maritine Safety Authority)
Something about paperwork not in order. Could be docked for a week +. :(

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