Saturday was a rest day for Grant and myself, so we headed towrds the campsite, enjoyed a breakfast and spent the day chilling and getting tyre changing masterclasses from Kaboef and Ball & Ketting, while listening to the peanut gallery giving them tips. (Kaboef, ek wag nog op daai lees brille soos joune agter jou foon)
we also had a great chuckle at Jackie and Herman's expense when his bike would not start. We sent Jackie to source a battery from someone who would not be riding on Saturday so they could go on an outride but it turned out that it was just corrosion on the battery terminal and by loosening the terminal and tightening it again they bike fired up instantly. "Jackie come back from finding a battery and perculator, the bike is running again"
@ Boere - you raised a good lad and can be proud of him. So Brink (i think that is right) was a good samaritan on Saturday by going with the vehicle and trailer to fetch Toney the Boney's bike that was stranded somewhere as it would not start. So when they arrived back at camp late afternoon all the fundi's gathered around Toney's bike to try see what the problem was, only for Gavin (Peanut) to see that there was a loose wire. Wire hooked up correctly and Braap, the bike started up. Man I wish you could see Toney's face when he realised it was not going to be a R20000 fix job on his bike. I hope he has however invested in tyre changing goodies, who goes to a bash without any tyre levers, tubes or patches. Then again the man is a retired paint chemist so we will forgive him.
So the whole day I was watching Jan burn trees to make coals for the spit-braai and man was that spit lekker. I was eyeing one of those "skaap stertjies" the whole time and when I asked Jan for one he said that Woody and Crashvan had already claimed them. Well, this meant I needed to sweet talk one of them or bribe them to part with one. Woody was having nothing of it but I saw Bouwer (crashvan) looked as if he was a man to negotiate with so off I went and the Wealth Manager kindly said I could take his. (Bouwer, jy is 'n goeie man).
Now i was content, one of the 2 |skaap stertjies" had my name on it and Jan protected it like a hawk. Low and behold, along comes JaX and tries to steal my prise by giving Jan those puppy dog eyes and smile and I quickly put a end to that, sorry Jackie.
A great night was had by all with great food (did I mention those rooster koekies, mmmm) and once again the venue runs out of Red Heart rum, which is maybe a good thing, knowing what a day we would have the next day.
We left the campsite with our Uber (we were staying at the Farmer Barend's house) which was a tricky distance away from the campsite and had a good night's rest, my 1st but not last EC bash done.
No other photos were taken by myself, to protect myself and others from prosecution, but if you have any photos, feel frre to share them on this RR