My pyp wat hang lyk soos 'n giftige slang!

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Jdog i are will translate it to english tonite.  Oom Pad en Dusty waar was julle twee.  Julle het bobbejane en ander lekker sports gemis.  asook die propvol kammanassiedam! as my fotobucket nou reg is laai ek die goed op
Hiekom n ding :peepwall:

Gooi Casman ek wag in spanning :drif: :thumleft:

Ek dink ek moet die notebook vat en by McNasty's gaan sit, wag en lees :drif: :drif: :biggrin:
The rest of the ride report will be then in English for Jdog!

Well we decided to gooi lekker peacfull to paardepooort road! What we did not verwag was that the road would be very vol of traffic because the main road between George and Ousehooring is closed!  So there were karre everywhere.  It almost looked like the ben shoeman in Joburg.


Here Dirtcopper look at his his amazing chopper!


Here Smidty arrived and his son looked why did they sleep so stadig op the pass. 


Here DirtCopper learned from the best how to check oil constantly at every stop.  I think he bukked under the bike but i did not see because i was searching for some baboons


A glimps before Smidty starting to jump up and down on his bike to soek for the rattle


The two small bikes pronkked in their element.  They were so happy like a woman that lig haar rok all the time!


Here we had a vinnige stop at the main road past paardepoort.


Dirt copper asked for a quick vergadering to decide where are next stop and kuier would be.  Smidty took minutes and wrote it inside the empty bear can and we decided to stop somewhere before dyselsedrop
As you can see on the kiekie, the weather was ongelooflik and it was oopgetrek and the kloud cover was over.  So I started to get baie warm, (not from the kuier but from the heat)  later I got warm from the kuier.

So we decided to make a pit stop at the Kammanasie dam!  We saw that the dam was tjok and block full of water!  That dam was just mud a year ago.  Now it's 100% full.  So i waaged to quickly see if the damwall was open and surpirsingly the dam was open.  We ryed lekker slow and parked in front of the huge dam wall.  this was a sight to see!



The grass was so thik that DC decided to le a bietjie on the green grass

It was Smidty's son's first gravel bike trip on the XR 125 and he was very good from the start!  He has sy pa se talent! 

While they were kuiering we did so bietjie koekeloer werk around the damwall




I always wanted to onbloot myself but only with living girls!  I see Smidty ontblooted himself on a dead dam wall!  Ag we are just human!  I understand!

So a ongelooflike Ostritsh boer called oom Saag Jonker (very ryk man) from this gebiet said that we could can have a look at the dam.  We took a lekker trail roete towards the eatern side of the dam (or is it the northen side of the dam)  I am not good with rigtings nie!



Here you can see the water level rising


This is a very rare site (even Trailrider's oê sal rek of verbasing.  This was just klei (thik mud Jdog) there was niks water nie.  Nothing!  now it's full







So after the damwall we rode past Dysselsdrop and headed to De rust via Farm roads.  So just before we tackled the farm roads I leaded the group to klomp verkeerde paaie and and DC decided to take out his sattelite thinggie called Stars for Africa.  Well I did not know how that would help.  But according to DC they have all the gravel roads covered in South Africa!  And what a ongelooflike trip that last piece was.  We ridden (nie verbode) farm roads and eventually we came to De Rust for a vinnige ete en drinks



Now we gooied back via Dysselsdrop and headed back to the Kammanasie damwall for another lekker rustige kuier



Here the bikers pronkked and two cool bikes in front of an amazing wonder!


This foto looks almost like the gariep dam (with the mountain backround)

:laughing4:  Dankie Cassie  :thumleft:

Hier is so paar van my pics da by die dam





So we stopped at oom Pad se favourite parking!  But the traffic was horrific so we had to ride with cautituan.  


Here the bikes was lekker vuil.  My numberplate almost looked like BR hp2's metal plate!  full of mud and ongelooflik abused and gebuiged!



And we did a quick stop at the bridge in the montagu pass and then headed a for a vinnige kuier by kaktus in George!  When we arrived the girls runned to us as if we were selebretittys and we were happy that they were happy!  We were treated like kings and the atmospheer was cold and Smidty decided to have some warm goeters to eat!  They call it chilly poppers.  After that I was sweathing like a horse giving birth to a stallion, or a horse lying a egg!  (i dont know which one)

But that was a ongelooflike kuier
Thanks you so almal
And some more (virrie ingelse)  :pot:






Ek moet se die Wild dogs van Hier maar ook van Verre!  julle is ongelooflik awsome groep mense!  Dat mens al pelle beginne word het van awsomeness.  Dis awsome dat almal so awsome is!!! :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:
Bakgat Cassie.  Sal moet eendag 'n paar glasies saam klink uit dankbaarheid vir die stories. Let wel - nadat daar gery is!

Myself nou in 'n toestand van slapk$k gelag!

J-dog, I think we must change his name to Confusious !

Lekker Cassie en maats! Cassie jy mag maar weer, Afrikaans, Ingils of fanagalo sal doen!!
uncleAI dit sal 'n onvergeetlike trip wees! Vra DC!  dis net een ma se kuier!  en Jackshit jy join ons!

Ek het nou net sopas 'n geskiedenis brokkie inligtig gekry van die kammanassie dam wat een van my pelle "Vool Volstruis vir my ge stuur het via posduif!  sal nou nou aanmekaar slaan!
Wil ekke ook weet  ???

Baie dankie julle! stem saam dit was moer lekker :thumleft:
Ek het per ongeluk myself ge overdoos met hoes midisyne en was nie in staat om te tik nie! Loop tans in die wolke

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