oh look.. a ride report.

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Race Dog
Jan 31, 2006
Reaction score
The bottom... and digging
I was not going to do a ride report mainly since I am lazy, and I mostly take in view, and end up forgetting to stop to take photographs.
I ended up taking a couple of snaps, and thought I may be able to hammer some semblance of a report together.
I was extended an invitation to stay a couple of nights in Sedgefield, with some friends. I graciously accepted, with a bit of an angle: In stead of me flying down, I take a bit of a roadtrip with the bike.
Now, as with Ride report writing, my planning is up to shite. I did however, in the early onset of my trip planning (using that word very loosely) find a place near Gariep dam, that seemed to fit my budget. I was initially wanting to camp, but the thought became very distant very quickly when I started making my packing list.
Come Thursday morning, I drop the kids off at school, and eventually set off at 10:45am, destination Gariep.
I decided to slab it as I got away a little late.
Temperatures quickly started climbing when I crossed the vaal, and before I knew it, I was reading 35degrees on the bike display.
After my fuel stop in Bloemfontein, an easterly wind, made the highway interesting to say the least.
A nature stop just after bloem, Hot and Windy. And the temperatures as well…


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Arrived at the little general dealer and bottle store at the Aventura side of gariep, where I stopped for some rolls and beers for my braai in the evening.
Now I did mention I suck at planning right?
Soon I got to the awesome dam wall, where it really is impressive seeing that one can actually travel over the wall. (Did not stop for pictures – dumbass)
Following the GPS, I turn left, and see I still have another 50km’s to travel to my overnight accommodation…perfect planning – not.
What felt like an hour later, I arrive at Silaom villiage, where I booked the fisherman’s cabin for very little money. Expecting only a bed and matress, I was pleasantly surprised to find a cabin with bedding, cutlery, bar fridge (byob) and a microwave…bonus.
Only downside is the ablutions that is a bit of a hike on the other side of the grounds. But still the bestest value for money… ever….ever!


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The next morning, got going at about 7 after a lekker braai and some beers (all of them) the night before.
I was following a thunderstorm, luckily ending up just behind it constantly, finding lots of wet roads, and only a few drops all the way to Graff Reinette.

Stopped for Brekkie, a fill up, where I embarrassingly had to admit that I had to ask “what bash” when questioned by a local Dog.


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Onwards, through some stop go’s down the N9 on to willowmore. My main plan for this trip is Prins Alfred pass. I have seen pictures, but nothing really can prepare one for the experience.
I left Uniondale, and soon hit the dirt, and the weather became very dodgy very quickly. Temps went down to 10 degrees in no time, and the clouds soon formed part of the road.
The pictures speak to themselves.
I skipped Angie’s G spot,  as I was behind schedule a bit, and did not want to reach Sedgefield too late (My spotlights stopped working at round gariep, and I was not attempting forest roads with incandescent lighting)
It got real wet, real soon…but luckily not canal snot.. very ridable, with some traction to be found.

Rode Kom-se-pad as well, which Is  absolutely spectacular.
I arrived in Sedgefield just after 4 after experiencing the aftermath of the devastating fires that ravaged Knysna.


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After a restful night in Sedgefield, I went to ride the famed 7 passes road.
And it really was another breathtaking road, a kind of normal apparently for this area...

Only thing that one has to remember while taking in the views, is that cages drive on this road like they are the only vehicle, cutting corners etc, and MTB'rs who clearly have not experience motorised two wheeled transport

A must do, when in the area.



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After 7 passes, experienced the beach a little with the missus...


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Then for some obsecen reason, I rode 7 prins alfred pass again... but this time without the wonder that is motorised two wheeled transport...



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After my bicycle sufferfest, It was time to head back home the next day. Treated myself to breakfast in Plett before riding prins Aflred pass for the third time.



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well, as I am such a good planner, I basically rode back the way I came... other than exploring a bit of dirt into Baviaanskloof.

It was an assortment of tar road, to Burgersdaorp, where I stayed in the Jubilee hotel, that I cannot recommend at all to anyone ever.
Other than a very tasty burger, and cold beers, it was an uncomfortable restless night with no hot water.

The End.



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Grootseun said:
The next morning, got going at about 7 after a lekker braai and some beers (all of them).

How many beers can Grootseun drink?  All of them...  In the morning before breakfast.....  And ride a bike....  :biggrin:


Edit: Dog dit gaan lank vat.  Kort en kragtig.  ;D
Daardie 7 passe is op my wish list  :eek:

Baie dankie dat jy die moeite gedoen het om 'n RR te skryf - en baie mooi foto's  :thumleft:
Ri said:
Daardie 7 passe is op my wish list  :eek:

Baie dankie dat jy die moeite gedoen het om 'n RR te skryf - en baie mooi foto's  :thumleft:

Jy sal moet plan maak om 7 passe te gaan ry!

Dankie vir die kompliment oor die fotos maar ek is bevrees mns kan per ongeluk ‘die kamera knoppiendruk en nog steeds baie mooi fotos neem agv hoe mooi dit in daardie omgewing is.
You ride in my backyard and even past my house - without having coffee or a beer!!!  :xxbah:

Nice report - and an extremely original topic!!!  :lol8: :thumleft: :thumleft:

ps. - I even have spares for your bike ...  :patch:
n lekker ride report met fotos wat my ook nou kwaai flashbacks gee van Karoo2Coast se tonele  :eek:
XRRX said:
You ride in my backyard and even past my house - without having coffee or a beer!!!  :xxbah:

Nice report - and an extremely original topic!!!  :lol8: :thumleft: :thumleft:

ps. - I even have spares for your bike ...  :patch:

Thanks and Sorry.  :)
Lem said:
n lekker ride report met fotos wat my ook nou kwaai flashbacks gee van Karoo2Coast se tonele  :eek:

Ek sou K2C seker meer geniet het as ek actually getrain het daarvoor.... vanaf einde mei, tot K2C het ek 50km op padfiets een keer gery...
Ek is nogal ingenome met my tyd van 5:40, eerste keer wat ek dit ry. as dit nie vir die scenery was nie, het ek dit nie gemaak nie.
jussis dude.
LONG time...