PE Dogs Sunday Ride 8 April 2012 - Dop en Tjop

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Bie said:
Lekker dag gewees, dankie aan almal wat deel was. Altyd lekker om nuwe mense te ontmoet. Oppad terug was daai nare wind reg van voor af. Op 'n stadium het die computertjie 9,3 l/100km gewys, byna dubbel die normale verbruik. Nou die spookhuis trip iewers in die res van die jaar inpas Jup, verkieslik met donkermaan. :imaposer:
Bly jy is veilig this, sien you vir Ironmanlater die maand :thumleft:
Onthou net, bring you eie verwarmer, ek trust jou nie in die donker nie, veral nie met 'donker maan' nie  :biggrin: :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer:
Couple of random thoughts on a lekker day out. The forecast was lousy and the sky threatened to open up on us all the time but we missed all but a few spots. My tiny fuel tank was a worry, and I went on to reserve just out of Kirkwood, and just coasted the last few meters on to the forecourt at Uitenhage. The strong wind played it's part there.
Some great photos posted, but the shot of the top of my bleskop was a bit of a shocker - must definitely bring along a cap next time!
Thanks Jupiter and everyone for a great day out.
+1 from me.
Meeting fellow like dawgs.
Sorry had to rush home. ..
Bie lekker om WEER the ontmoet na 26 jaar. GREAT
Now...where is that EC BASH thread.
Jup, thanks for a very nice ride once again.

Isn't it weired that so many people from so many different walks of life can come together and enjoy a wonderful day due to one Kommin denominator?

It was lekka meeting the new guys and just to catch up with the old buddies.

Allow me 1 pic. if you will. Those are not, Hot rocks, those are Brickets , need I say more?



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Ek het gewag vir die chirp  :eek7: En wat 'n goeie idee was dit nie,  >:D anders sou Jules se Swanniebraai oortyd moes werk  :imaposer:

En thanks vir Nemo wat ver moes ry om ons te join  :thumleft: Daai nimmer eindige stories het ons lekker aan die gang gehou. EB Bash gaan weereens 'n hoot wees.
nemodakar said:
Jup, thanks for a very nice ride once again.

Isn't it weired that so many people from so many different walks of life can come together and enjoy a wonderful day due to one Kommin denominator?

It was lekka meeting the new guys and just to catch up with the old buddies.

Allow me 1 pic. if you will. Those are not, Hot rocks, those are Brickets , need I say more?

Nice meeting you Nemodakar.

Het jy toe vir Mamma 'n lift gegee?  :eek: >:D :imaposer:
ThumpC, get your doc to give you your wheels back  :thumleft:
Jaybiker, next time watchout for the 'Puddles'  ;D they aren't always what they seem  >:D
Nemo your anecdotes are flippen funny, got to meet your son sometime  :imaposer:

Thanks guy's for a lekker day's ride, which for me started with what seemed to be a flat tyre and made me lekka moerig, which later turned out to be nothing but a bum tyre pressure gauge at the garage, Des was very glad I decided to catchup with you guys, she really enjoyed the day. Thanks to you all  :thumleft:  :ricky:
just to tell ya all...just got back from riding the route with the amarok..awesome ride for the bikes...was nice an wet and slippery..
great ride report Jupiter. thanks all. great day out. one prepared dog below...


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nemodakar said:
Jup, thanks for a very nice ride once again.

Isn't it weired that so many people from so many different walks of life can come together and enjoy a wonderful day due to one Kommin denominator?

Jis Nemo, dankie vir die spin op jou XR!! Ek stem saam. Mens moet uitkom en buite jou eie veld met ander mense skakel anders raak 'n ou se wereld darem net te klein. Bikes is 'n great manier om die deure oop te maak.

Hoe het jy toe huis toe gery van CCN af? Ek wou nog altyd die agterpaaie tussen Loerie en Hankey leer ken, jy moet ons eendag op 'n toer vat deur jou agterplaas...
TC noem enige Sondag en ons ry. Saterdae is bietjie moeilke, want dan speel Klippies rugby.
Ek wou Elands rivier langs terug kom ,maar dit het sommer lekker gereen daar en daar is n paar plekke wat nie wil gedoen word op n bike as dit nat is nie. :ricky:
What an awesome way to meet some very interesting people. Thanks to all for a great ride.  :thumleft:
Nice R/R, You P.E. guy's seem to have a good thing going.
Maybe us E.L. and you  P.E guy's should meet half way some time, and have a combined ride
KALLY said:
Nice R/R, You P.E. guy's seem to have a good thing going.
Maybe us E.L. and you  P.E guy's should meet half way some time, and have a combined ride

We have chatted about it and will have one, but probably a sleepover ride. Will see later in the year.
Hierdie was nou rerig n' baie lekker ride gewees, ek het die baie geniet  :ricky:

Bie, jou sosaties was baie lekker  :drif: Al weet ek nou nog nie wat se vleis dit was nie  :peepwall:  :peepwall:

Lekker om van julle ander honde te kon ontmoet . . . Julle is nogals nie te sleg nie hoor  :3some:  :imaposer:
nemodakar said:
TC noem enige Sondag en ons ry. Saterdae is bietjie moeilke, want dan speel Klippies rugby.
Ek wou Elands rivier langs terug kom ,maar dit het sommer lekker gereen daar en daar is n paar plekke wat nie wil gedoen word op n bike as dit nat is nie. :ricky:

Ja ek kyk op Google Earth daar's paaie wat van Hankey / Loerie tot by Elands aansluit en baie ander wat kronkel deur die heuwels - sal hulle graag wil explore.
Terloops, terwyl ons gewag het vir Jules se tyre-fix het my vrou laat weet sy's swanger met ons nommer twee en die bloedtoets het dit vandag bevestig. So nou moet ons ry voor daai boep begin wys.