Protem and getting lost.

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WD Vendor
Jul 23, 2007
Reaction score
Southern Cape
I have not done any riding in the last three weeks and I was starting to hear voices in my head. That in itself is not worrying but when said voices start arguing with each other I know I need some helmettime. :imaposer: :eek7:

Left at nine Sundaymorning without a clear route but wanted to see what is left if any of the Canola flowers.
Filled up with fuel in Stillbay and rode up along the GouKou river. Is not and never will it be a boring ride. :thumleft:

Riverside Resort.


Our house is across from this little one.



I turn left from the river and then a right ,three lefts and a right and another left to go over the little bridge crossing the Duiwenhoks river.
Like all river crossings I have a history with this one too. :biggrin:



I just go over the Heidelberg-Witsand tarroad. Barley both sides of the road. This year seems like a good one although it started raining late.


Peeplek. ;)


I take two lefts and two rights to get on the road to Malgas. Canola is loosing it's flowers fast.


Oats waiting to dry to be baled for feed.


Malgas pontoon. Inflation is high on the Breede. Crossing is now at R18!!! :eek7:


Towards Ouplaas.


One might ask how do they get those rows so strait? GPS and computers. When they start spraying at the entrance of the field the driver would punch in say Chris's field and the machine would go on auto pilot and space the rows by itself. When they spray the field again in the same season the driver just punches in Chris's field again and then sit back. The machine will run on the very first tracks thus not making any more.
A clever machine like this could cost you easily R 3 000 000!!!


I worked near Ouplaas on a farm in 1987 and it seems no major development has happened since ;) I turn right at Ouplaas and later a left
to turn right on the Spitskop road to turn left at Cloeteskraal after about two kilos.



The more west I go the later the Canola is in bloom.


A left and a right takes me to and over the N2-Bredasdorp tarroad. I worked on the farm on the right across that little church in 1988.


I keep on to Protem. Only things big in Protem is the silos. ;)



It was just after twelve and lunchtime. Yes Sparletta's finest ;)


Up till now I had no clear idea whereto from Protem, but busy chowing away an idea came up.


I left Protem on the southern side and a couple of kilos later the road makes a Y and I took the right leg to ride past another farm I worked on.
The owner had three farms and they were about 20 kms apart. I again end up at the N2- Bredasdorp tarroad. I turn right for 5 kms and left at the sign saying Komarsekraal and Baadjieskraal. I have not been on this road, but I knew where I wanted to go. I wanted to T the Spitskop road not too far from Ouplaas and use that to get back at Swellendam. I had no map or GPS and only had to rely on my nose!!! At every crossing or junction
I would ask myself " which one looks the most east as that was the direction I had to go.



Just before this farm I got to a threeway junction. Of course I took the most east one, but as I rode wurther I was getting the feeling I am not
on the correct road untill at the next farm the road made a split. I took the right one, of course the most eastern. Down in a kloof and a nasty old wire gate. Turn around and took the left road. Over a ridge and another wiregate and the road was heading north. As I went over the ridge again a little boy no more than 8 or nine ride towards me on a Suzook RM 80.

"is oom verdwaal?" is his first words. No helmet, shoes, just PEP kortbroek and kaalvoete. ( and the auther did not take a photo of him) :biggrin:

"ja ek is verdwaal" :biggrin: He asks where I wanted to go. He gets off his bike picks up a stone and draws a map of where I need to turn. Ends up being two lefts. My mistake was  turning left to Plaatjieskraal his father's farm. I should have turned right. Great kid!! :thumleft:


I do my two lefts and about 20 kms later there is the T to the Spitskop road. I turn left and a while later I am back at Cloeteskraal where I was earlier in the day.


The road started opening up and so did my righthand ;)


For a very brief moment i was in Namaqualand ;)


Ten kms before Swellendam I reach the N2. I skip Buffeljagsriver and turn off right on the Fort Beaufort road. The third junction I turn left
and reach Slangrivier.



Not too far from Heidelberg I join the N2. Fill up and about ten kms out of Hberg I turn right and many lefts and rights later I end up on the Vermaaklikheid road leading to Jongensfontein which I skip.


At the viewpoint in Stillbay.


Ten past four and 420 kms later I stop at home. The SC is really beautiful and the more I ride it the more I get the feeling I have not touched the tip of the iceberg.

Yes the voices is still there, but at least they have stopped arguing!!!! :imaposer: :imaposer: