Solo na my ma in Cradock - op my eie

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Nice RR JMOL!!!  Sorry I couldn't make  :mad: .  Next time  :thumleft:
nice pics nice roads...ive done the R337 a few times very very nice....mooi man
Lekker solo trippie Jaco. Die Ooskaap is besonders mooi op die oomblik na die reen. Dankie vir die RR en ook vir dir uitnodiging. Jammer ek kon dit nie maak nie weens familie verantwoordelikhede.
nice one Jaco,I play in that area often. :thumleft:
now you know why solo is a great natural high :biggrin:
Nice report Jmol,
makes me really sorry that I wasn't able to join you on the ride.
the pic's are very good, are they taken with your new camera ?
It's nice to ride solo, but you have to be carefull.
Befok!! Was nog nie daar nie...lyk bevange!! GOOI MIELIES!!  :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:
BMWPE said:
Thanks Kevin
LanceSA said:
Fantastic photos. I've never ridden these roads or seen these towns. Please remember me the next time you go.
Thanks Lance - You are hereby invited to the next trip to that area.  :deal:
Vis Arend said:
:thumleft:  Lekker RR, sien jy het dit baie geniet.
Ek laaik die foto in die gras, waars die hout?  Ons gaan selwers die naweek 'n trippie doen, jy het my nou baie lus gemaak.
Dankie VA - het dit baie geniet!!  Die hout - ons BMW ouens kan organiseer - dit was alreeds daar :ricky:  Geniet jul trippie
krister said:
Mooi foto's, lekker report - jy maak my lus om te ry!  :thumleft:

Dankie Krister - ek's ook altyd lus  :mwink: om te ry

Pickle said:
Nice RR JMOL!!!  Sorry I couldn't make  :mad: .  Next time  :thumleft:

Thanks Tony.  Next time - for sure  :deal:

Mother said:
nice pics nice roads...ive done the R337 a few times very very nice....mooi man

Thanks Mother
J-dog™ said:
Very cool JMOL!
Thanks J-Dog
IRISH said:
Lekker solo trippie Jaco. Die Ooskaap is besonders mooi op die oomblik na die reen. Dankie vir die RR en ook vir dir uitnodiging. Jammer ek kon dit nie maak nie weens familie verantwoordelikhede.
Thanks Pat - en was dit nie lekker nie  :biggrin:  Next time Sakkie!!  :deal:
DRAZIL said:
nice one Jaco,I play in that area often. :thumleft:
now you know why solo is a great natural high :biggrin:
Thanks John - Yep - now I know!!  I'll do it again, but with my heart condition, I'll have to play safe  :(
ZAR said:
Thanks ZAR
KALLY said:
Nice report Jmol,
makes me really sorry that I wasn't able to join you on the ride.
the pic's are very good, are they taken with your new camera ?
It's nice to ride solo, but you have to be carefull.
Thanks Roy.  Yep - as said the photos was taken with the new camera, but i still have a lot to learn about the how & all of that.  As said, it's nice to go solo, but you have to be careful.  A simple example is when I took the photo of the bike in the grass, I had company and they were as clever as anything!!  Next time -  :deal:
chrisL said:
Mooi wêreld daai.
Dankie vir die lusmaak.
Dankie Chris - jy was mos al tussen CDK & Somerset??  kom weer  ;D
Carrots said:
Befok!! Was nog nie daar nie...lyk bevange!! GOOI MIELIES!!  :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:
Dankie carrots - kom gerus - ons sal jou vat
Nice report Jaco! Dis ook my home valley daai. Ek het hoeka nou die dag vir my Ma-hulle daar gaan kuier. Daai Swaershoek boere ry maar rof op daai pad...
JMOL said:

Fantastic roads. Ideal for solo riding. Glad to see you voted first!
mooi paaie, mooi wereld, mooi foto's
wimpie said:
Nice report Jaco! Dis ook my home valley daai. Ek het hoeka nou die dag vir my Ma-hulle daar gaan kuier. Daai Swaershoek boere ry maar rof op daai pad...

Ja nee - ek verstaan dis ook jou wereld.  jy moet die Adelaide ouens gesien het die Sondag toe hulle van hul dorpshuise afkom  :mad: MAAR dit was nog steeds lekker gewees.Fantastic roads. Ideal for solo riding. Glad to see you voted first!
yep - ideal for solo & had to vote 1st.  :mwink:
Heimer said:
mooi paaie, mooi wereld, mooi foto's
Dankie Heimer
lekker ride report, ook al n rukkie lus vir so n solo trip :thumleft:
Great RR Jacxo! glad u gave me a chance to brush up on my afrikaans! lekker gelees. sorry i could not join after your invite! was boomed to ref rugby already! u will have to take us there one day??!!!