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Race Dog
Jul 4, 2008
Reaction score
Bloemfontein, Vrystaat
Kawasaki KLR 650
I want to start this ride report with a little sad story and subsequent tribute of sorts.



Last year October Dusty and I met a young lad called Kobus at the Steynsburg Funduro. Kobus was a mere 20 years old,
but has been through the mills of life already. Kobus worked in the mines up north, Gauteng, after finishing school but got
out of that after a bad accident shook him up. Somehow he found himself in Steynsburg looking for a job and my uncle,
that farms the farm Strydpoort, took him in. He became like a second son to my uncle.

Kobus agreed to be our tour guide when we were to visit the farm as I've been planning for so long. I was looking forward
to this since then.

Here Kobus is talking to Dusty about the best way to complete the route at the Steynsburg Funduro.


Kobus is sadly not with us anymore. The details withdrawn in respect for the family.

Kobus would have turned 21 this week.

I was shocked to learn this news earlier this week and am saddened by the thought of someone so young letting go of life.
No way to start a ride report but it does make part of the story. I will remember Kobus even though we only met once.

Since Kobus's passing Oom Francois was approached by another young man from Molteno. Jaco finished school two
years ago and has a pasion for nature coupled with a the desire to learn about farming. Jaco started work on Strydpoort
as the farm manager and all over helping hand three weeks ago. Even though he doesn't know all the farm roads yet we
were lucky to have Jaco along on the ride to see us through.

Thanks Jaco!

I'm just running out to go buy bread before the shops here in Middelburg close.
Will continue the ride report when I'm back.
Very interesting and sad start Michiel, but you've got my attention - let's hear and see the rest! :thumleft:
Agree with Michiel, not an expected way to start a ride report but maybe a wake-up call for a lot of us.
People in a authority position (not always parents) over teenagers should start listening to them - YES listen to them or they will never listen to you. You can't fix a wrong idea with banning it shouting it down! Yes be strict, but ALWAYS explain yourself and tell them you love and care for them. - Ok enough of my lecturing, looking forward to the report.
This is true. I want to learn from these sad happenings so to be a member of my community that
helps to make people happy and productive in their lives. Life is just so short and precious to end up
in a knot like that and to give up on it.

Yesterday Dustdevil, Andre, Jaco and I had such a good ride and wholesome experience in the mountains
on the farm Strydpoort that it serves to remind us that there are good times to look forward to in between
the bad ones. I am privileged to have a bike and buddies to share the riding with.

Our day started off at 7AM when an very eager Andre roared to our front door on his 250 Big Boy in Middelburg.

By 7H30 Dusty and I had the HPN's ready and so we headed off to Steynsburg. The three of us. Dusty took us
on a dirt road that runs sort of paralel to the tar road but is much more interesting. HPN 540 got a bit of a sputter
so we stopped at this low water bridge to have a rest while Dusty fiddled with the carbs.



Off we go.


Though I didn't take any more pictures of the ride up to Strydpoort the road was magnificent! One of
the more pleasurable rides I have done. Dirt roads in this part of the Karoo never fails to entertain.

As we scooted along a smooth and winding road we bobbed over humps and drifted around bends.
We passed many farm houses sometimes riding right between the farm buildings. Some are deserted
and run-down while others are beautifully kept. We went from farm to farm passing under huge
eucalyptus trees and through small streams. The road is perfect. Sometimes it takes a dark purple
color but mostly the usual brown. Dusty must have hit 540 with a stick as every turn had roosts
hanging from the bushes.  :ricky:

Soon we found ourselves on the farm Strydpoort. We had a quick say hello to oom Francois, met our
tour guide Jaco and off we went.

We quickly made our way up to the road that will take us to "Gladde Koppe". See the lucern fields and
farm buildings down below. Dominant in the picture is the dam Oupa Leon built using a tractor and little
earth moving implement. Oupa Leon and his helper worked for two years almost round the clock to finish
the dam. My mother told me many a time how they took tea to the working men there by the dam above
the house. Today the dam takes a vital role in the management and production of the farm.


Now twe were four bikes. 2x Big Boy 250 and 2x HPN.


From here we could also see the roads leading up and down "Rooi Krans". I wasn't sure whether we would
have enough time to explore the whole farm but we agreed to ride as the mood takes us.

At this point we didn't know what the day would bring but we did want to scout around the farm enough to
be able to put together a bigger future ride. Now I'm going to get ahead of myself but what we found was a
Red Route of note! I will put my stamp of approval on it as it meets all the requirements.

An adventurous route has to adhere to at least 90% of the following to qualify as a Red Route.

It needs to go over private land such that you wouldn't have been able to ride there was it not for the event.
There needs to be a strong element of pristine nature.
The route must be long enough to keep the riders busy for at least half a day.
The route should take riders to interesting and unseen places that are hidden away from the public.
There must be a variety of different technical obstacles such as steep inclines/descents, rocks, mud, sand, snow, dongas and ruts to overcome.
With the help of your fellow riders one should be able to ride the route with a big bike like a 1200 GSA but no gaurantee that it won't get damaged.
Obstacles must be of such difficulty that even the best riders, on DS bikes, will need help from their fellow riders to get through.
The ride must be such that the whole group has to work together in good spirit to get everybody through.
Once home your body needs to ace but you have to experience an unstoppable desire to go do it all again.

For anyone interested:

We will do this ride again. We will ride the route we scouted in reverse as that will be even more fun. Near the end of
the day riders that feel like they are not satisfied yet will have the opportunity to test their skill on a little innocent hill
climb section that Dustdevil and I agree to be a "Black" rating.

Read on and if you find yourself to be exited please PM me your details so I can contact you to communicate the date
for the next visit to Strydpoort.
Sad start to the report. Riding looks bloody awesome though :thumleft:
Once on top of the plateau "Galdde Koppe" lay within sight but first we took another little detour.









Some cattle.



Now we were at the bottom of "Gladde Koppe". See the radio towers on top. There are two roads up though Oom Francois
sometimes just drive straight up without using either one of them. The road to the right is the easier one and Oupa Leon
actually drove up there, back in the day, with an old 2WD Toyota bakkie. Lots of wheelspin and with such determination only
Oupa Leon had. The road to the left is, according to Oom Francois, a drive down only. It can be driven up but only if you
have 4WD and diff lock and skill.



We managed to get to the top, using the easier route, without too much difficulty. At this point I was still unaware of the other
"nicer" option. The video that will soon follow will show more of this.


On top.



Dusty and Jaco having a chat.


The view of Steynsburg.


Towards Hofmeyr.



To get down from "Gladde Koppe" we took the other road. Andre looked at it in disbelief and
asked if it was at all a road. The thing with Gladde Koppe is that it is smooth enough to make
a descent just about anywhere but it is seriously steep and has a lot of loose stones. The ironic
thing is that the little road leading down has even more loose stones.

Jaco went first and used the stalled engine as a back break while he paddled his way down, stopping
where he could to look ahead. I went next and fought a good battle to control 663. Ended up in a little
bush after I used to much back break and stalled the engine. There were brief moments I had both
wheels locked up in an attempt to slow down my downward acceleration.

Dusty came next. I will let the video do the talking.  :imaposer:



Andre asked me to nurse the Big Boy down. I was surprised that even though it is a considerably lighter
bike it still skidded down. The irony is that, despite her weight, I would choose to use 663 above any other
bike simply because she handles so well in this sort of stuff.

Michiel!!!!  That's my end of the world!! next time i'm on the farm in Sterkstroom we must organise a ride!
Nice pics  :thumleft:
Gladde Koppe was the main objective for the day. That ticked off we decided to return to the farm house by
riding across to the opposite mountain passing Swaelkrans and Likkewaan Kop finally descending at Rooi Krans.

What we didn't know was that this route had a couple of nice surprises waiting.

At Swaelkrans we stopped to have a swim at "Die Gly Klip". By now it was midday and even up in the fresh
mountain air it was hot enough for me to get my kit off.

Pictures with compliments of Andre.



Jaco jumping in.


I have done this about 15 years ago so I showed the boys how it is done. Weeeeee!



Dusty and Jaco.



BLIKSEM gaan eet iets Michiel, of kom kuier vir my........

Yes, yes, yes! The thing is, 663 weighs around 215 kg depending on how much she's eaten. The Engineers at HPN
has done all they can to make her go on a diet. I now have to do my part by weighing as little as possible as well.

Just weighed myself. The scale settled on 64 kg. If I can knock off another 4 kg my girl and I will become one at 275 kg.
Life is good. As we relaxed in the cool waters of Strydpoort our clothes, wet from sweat, lay drying in the sun.


Jaco leading the way to the second pool.


See how the sun reflects upon the water and back up against the rock wall.



Drinking some of the purest water known to man.



Yes, indeed, nothing wrong with the world.





Wow! Lekker adventure  :thumleft: