The Klein Karoo Meander

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This gem of a road twists and turn through lush greenery.



We conveniently chose to ignore the warning signs ... or perhaps we just take no notice of it ...



Just past the Swartberg summit, Cape Nature has a padstal/museum that offers some food and drinks.


A little further the Gamkaskloof turn off starts well, lovely scenery and a good road, the meander continues.


Can someone please tell me the history of Oom Koos se klip ...? Did he get married on it ...?



The locals live a stress free life out here it seems.


The Klipspringers reluctantly give way to the foreigners.



This driffie will come back to give us "hell" later.


It's 30km of this classic scenery.


And then the pass descends down into the kloof.




A couple on a Beemer are wisely on their way out ...


Tannie Sannie's shop has changed plenty since I was here last ... in 2002.


I love the way old cars are stored in garages at the absolute end of their lives.


The daughter-in-law tells us that there are 5 Leopards in the immediate area, as seen on wildlife cameras, and that 4 guys on bikes have just cancelled their overnight here as one of them has fallen in the Baviaans. Hope he's ok.



This handsome dude was full of beans trying to impress the female ... who was not too bothered about his efforts.




We move on down to Om Piet se .... something or other, can't remember ... anyway, we have two caravans booked for the night.


I've picked the one that leaks through the roof when it rains.



Al's got the one he has to share with these guys ...


We drop our stuff and head further West to the river crossing, it has by now started drizzling slightly ...


Rain drops on the waters surface.



We've booked the full 3 course meal for R100 a head, it's certainly worth it but we are also the only guests in the restaurant tonight ... wonder why? The caravans are ....ah, ... well lets just say I would rather have used my tent all being equal ... spiders I have no problem with but cockroaches remind me of my days in the Caribbean sleeping on old boats in boatyards. 

At 2am it starts to rain ... persistently ... it would do so for the next 14 hrs. Neither of us sleep well, I'm up at 6am to see what it looks like outside.


For all of about 2 minutes we contemplate staying put for another night ... but decide against that. 50m from the caravans we see this that was not there last night.


It's no use thinking about it, we gotta rock 'n roll outta here.


Cape Nature has used Potters Clay to level the roads and it slippery as all hell so easy does it.


It might have been soft rain last night but it has quick results.




There's 5 or 6 crossing like that in the valley itself before the pass starts but traction is good due to the sharp rocks and slate. Further locals are spotted who do their best to ignore us.


Yesterday it took us 70 minutes from turn off to the restaurant... today will be just over 3 hrs in nothing but 1st and 2nd gear the whole way out. It rains constantly all the way from here to the tar road below the Swartberg Pass.


In Namibia 2 years ago we learnt to ride with one eye on the road and the other taking in the scenery ... none of that here, it's lethal this clay stuff!



On the way out we meet a guy in a 4x4 Landcruiser who has just come down into The Hell, we ask about the crossings. "The first one's OK, just a short deep one" he says, " ... but be carefull about the second one, it's about 30m long and this deep," with his finger he draws a line through the mud on his door about 15cm's below the door handle. Oooohkay. "Ja, and be careful of the current too" he says, "it's strong."

Off we go and 5km further the first one is done by paddling our way through, the water quickly fills my boots but the traction is good. The second is another story. Yesterday we could see some dry patches in the middle as we went through (see previous photo) today it's difficult to believe that this is the same stream. Damn! I go for it, sticking all the way over to the right as this is where the current is strongest in the final 10m of the crossing but the water is flowing out into the roadway from up there and down towards us before exiting left, the traction is not good with golf ball and cricket ball sized rocks below, all the fine sand has been washed away. I keep the Yam at about 4000rpm as to stall now would be catastrophic. The first 20m is done but I have now entered the deep section and it's up to my thigh as I sit on the bike paddling through, I am also at 30 degrees right rudder to counter the water flow but it's clear to see I am heading for the 2ft drop off on my left ... the water resistance on the front wheel isn't a surprise but as I inch forward I loose direction as the front wheel is pushed to the left through the gravel. It's amazing how calmly one realizes you have no chance of making it, the bike has practically come to a standstill, I can feel the water rising as the rear wheel digs in and it is crystal clear that to drop her now would be to write the bike off ... there is no way the two of us will get it out of here with 3 panniers, tanks bag and extra shit on the seat. Slowly I am aware of Al pushing counter current from the left ... later we would be amazed at the burn marks the E07 rear has left on his right foot. Just in the nick of time he has provided the help required to get the damn thing to move ... ever so bloody slowly I can feel the front wheel rising up as we inch up the embankment. I nearly drop the damn thing when trying to put the side stand out as it's pure adrenalin keeping me on my feet now.



5 times Allen wades across, he's a short ass so I have to bring the AT through, same drama and I stall the bloody thing just when it's the last thing one needs to do but she fires up again and we make it through as it has less water resistance due to larger front tyre diameters. On his 5th crossing he is so tired I wade out to take his tank bag from him that has all his VIP shit in it. We both realize that this was some serious touch and go here ...

We rest for 10 mins, and Al goes ahead as I empty my bloody boots of ice cold water. I am suddenly aware that a bakkie has stopped on the other side and I walk down to the crossing again and see this oke wading through. He's German so in German I tell him to keep to the right when he comes through ... and he answers me in English. The last time this happened was in the Med on a yacht when we had to tow some yachties in when they broke their mast. Poor guy, he's clearly rattled and I'm vaguely aware that the bakkie looks like a Toyota 4x2.


It's a steep rise out of the crossing and at the top I look back to see another bakkie has joined him on the other side. Neither of these vehicles would pass us in the next two and a half hours ... and at no stage did we do more than 25kmh.


There's at least another 3 or 4 crossings but we take little notice by now.


Have I mentioned that it's raining persistently...?




I cannot remember taking these but they are on my camera ...



We've done 32km's by now and the last part starts, the part with larger stones and supper slippery surface ... I have a big moment but keep the Yam upright, then go back to document the drama.


Damn that was close ...


... and just like that we are out ... we stop at the Cape Nature house for something hot. The bikes are clean from all the rain.



We push on as we are soaked through and need some sunshine. The Santa Fe Spur in Oudtshoorn was not entirely happy to see us show up on their doorstep but we're customers and customers are always right, right?


Here Allen needs to head North for his son's birthday. This meander has been an epic. The Two Dinosaurs would like to take this opportunity to thank our hundreds of got-the-tattoo-to prove-it fans ... ah OK, all 4 of them then, for their undying persistence in reminding us how stupid we sometimes are, so here's our best to y'all.



... and to the wives and official girlfriends ...



Keep rolling boys.


well done bud u captured our moments with glory. we had an epic time. soft sands , dry sand, mud,rain,drifts,mountain passes,washed away mountain passes,washed away roads, slippery as hell gravel roads and flooded drifts. a great adventure hope u guys and gals out there enjoy the RR as much as we enjoyed the ride
fantastic chaps  ,  missus and i enjoyed 
:thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:
Nice one. Needed an excuse to go and do that route. Great RR.  :thumleft:
Thanks guys we did really enjoy our self and yip we had a few scary moments but dam they were worth it