The Two "Moerse" Strong Dinosaurs, the Bikes and Nam are at it again.

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Day 16: 14th October: Duwisib Castle to Klein Aus Vista (Route D824 - C27 – D707 - C13 - B4) 255km
Dam can Namibia get any better than what she already is, well she just carried on pouring out magnificent roads and scenery for us.
The following section.
Its early morning, we have had a quick breakfast and now we head of for Betta.

At Betta we fill up the bikes and then we head off in anticipation of the D707.

As I stated, the roads and scenery continue to dazzle us, but the biggest surprise is yet to come.

We reach the D707.

This ou checks us out as if we is daft.
The road and scenery is amazing.

Something’s supper that went wrong.

Nature is cruel, and then we put man with it

We was too late to help this little “oukie”, but we did take him down.
Next thing we get this.
This play in the sand piece is for my good buddies Ross (Master Glitter) and Gert (T Rex)
Take some pics and we take to the sand. Ian is like a little school boy, his having a blast.

Halfway through the sand my “Knee” decides that’s it and I get this searing pain shoot through my leg and the Knee buckles on me.
I almost come off, but manage to somehow stay upright.
Mmm a few pain pills washed down with a Cold one. I’m now a bit in the shit as the pain in the knee want allow me to stand for long periods.
So I sit and stand through the sand, not the best way to do it, but beggar’s aint got no choices.

The sand eases up a little, stop and wash down another pain pill.
Well we aint going to get through this section by just sitting here so I battle on.
The ridings easier as there’s not so much loose sand and I can sit and stand with a greater speed.

I still manage to see the beauty around me.
And then we hit the second patch of loose sand.

Ian’s worried; I can see it in his face. He apologizes to me as if it’s his fault, I tune him hey Bud don’t worry we will get to other side. There’s no way in bloody “Hell” im going back the way we came.

I tune him to go on ahead as im now gonna duck paddle, stand, sit or whatever to get to the hard gravel.
It was a mission; some tourist took photos of this mad bugger throwing his bike all over the show.

Well a few kilos later and it was behind us.
By this time I have had a few Gen- Payne and  Xefo rapid  pain pills to get rid of the pain, they seem to be working fine as the pain in the knee has subsided.
Still think it was the Two Cold Ones that did the trick. He he
We start up and push on.  

Dam that was a “lekker” ride I scheme to myself as we reach the turn off for Aus.
I think those pills were affecting my judgment. (Nah!! it was a “lekker” ride and the scenery was great.) I think .He he

The windmill thingy.

The road to Aus.

Ian’s up ahead, next thing my Boneys “skutering” me all over the show. So I stop.
He he. The “Pap” wheel has returned. I pulls out the Tyre Fix, “Gooi” some in and hop on and take off with a “stink spoed”

Mmm a few km up and the bloody Tyre is flat again. (Dam Tappet ou, teach a ou once again not to “spot” with another ous “gooites”)

Now im “sommer de moer” in so I once again “Gooi” in some more and get going like a bat out of hell, sore Knee or not.
Mmm once again it does its job and stays hard, so we stop of for a Cold one and a quick bite.  

We go buy some Biltong and “gooites” and then head of to Klein Aus Vista.

On way to Klein Aus- Vista, the tyre decided to go “pap” again, so I “sommer” just rode it like that as it was not far.
My possie for the night, Ian’s possie was “langsaam” of mine.

Now we has to fix this puncture. We takes of the front wheel because the back wheel didn’t have a puncture.

Now I was not worried as I have a spare tube. No!! no the one that goes on the bike. Eiesh!! You ous.
So I puts in the tube. Check the photo. Oops  Ok ok  It was not me ok.
I did “span” in my working force and they put in the other tube. But I does keep an eye on them to make sure they doing a good job and not loathing around.

Meanwhile I check out what’s wrong with the speedo drive, it has sorta seized, manage to get some paraffin, wash it all “Skoon”
Find my Lip Ice and use that to grease it so that it works smoothly again

“Gooi” the wheel back on and hope for the best.
Mmmm we is good mechanics, the tyre stays hard and the speedo is “sommer” working again.
We “Klap” ourselves on our backs for doing such good jobs and we go and celebrate our mechanical skills with a Cold One.
A quick goof in the “swembad” and then a one or two more Cold ones to wash the dust down.

I cringe at the thought of how much your accomodation for the trip must have cost :eek7:
ChrisL - DUSTRIDERS said:
I cringe at the thought of how much your accomodation for the trip must have cost :eek7:

Howzit ChrisL. Yip we dont speak about. We whisper silently.  :biggrin:  :3some:
Night time comes and with it the sunset.

We go and have a “moerse lekker”graze.

Now how did that get in there Huh?

The Big surprise hits us whilst we was eating. A sunset that drew every person’s attention.
How’s this for an amazing ending to an amazing day. (Seer Knieg of te not)

It’s time to hit the hay as they say.
The end of the trip is in sight, we push threw to Norotshama river lodge I get hit by a "Bug"" sommer" one shot, but that's for another day to be continued tomorrow  :biggrin: Dan ry ons weer lekker saam.  :ricky:  :spitcoffee:
Painfull knee = gout  ?
What is with the soup ? 1mm depth just to cover the bottom of the plate. ???
Or is it like the wine in these fancy places that they pour a little bit  to smell,lick and gargle first.
Waiter brings me a plate like that I would slurp it up in one go and choon the oke. Ja hy is reg maak maar vol.
Ian in Great Brak River said:
Just for the record, I am never, ever in a bad mood.


Se niks.  :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer: But "ja" we do have fun.  :biggrin: :ricky: :ricky:
subie said:
Painfull knee = gout  ?
What is with the soup ? 1mm depth just to cover the bottom of the plate. ???
Or is it like the wine in these fancy places that they pour a little bit  to smell,lick and gargle first.
Waiter brings me a plate like that I would slurp it up in one go and choon the oke. Ja hy is reg maak maar vol.

Nou lekker gelag.  :imaposer: :imaposer: Yip i also asked him where the hell the rest was.. was bloody good soup. never got a full plate.   :biggrin:   :imaposer: :imaposer:

As to the knee, its totally wrecked. Need a knee replacement. "Moer" expensive no medical, so i just ignore it and continue on. Ride with a Knee brace. Helps one helluva lot. Could not walk far either till i started to use one. But yip it only helps so much, corrugation and the permanent thumping on the roads eventually all add up i suppose and the knee can only take so much abuse. Our first trip to Nam, 2012 was cut short due to the Knee. And yes it does affect the riding sometimes, Hence pain pills are in the bag. But no complaints as, we just do what we do.  :biggrin: :ricky: :ricky:
Day 17: 15th October Klein Aus –Vista to Norotshama River Resort. (Route B4 – C13) 280km
Knee is buggered, as soar as hell again, so I “sluk” a few pain pills washed down with a Cold one as it seems to do the trick.
And once again, a hearty breakfast before we go.

Take a photo of this white Oryx and his chommy.

Do a bit of Tar riding

Well at least the view is still good.

We stop at Rosh Pinah, Ian buys a thingy for his Go Pro, then we of and finally we reach some sandy roads to ride on.
The view once again is breathtaking, Is Namibia trying to tell us something or does she just want to share herself with us??

This section is my favorite as every time I see the same place, but each time it’s different.

Man this is just fantastic is it not?

I stop and wait for Ian to catch up, hear a noise to my left and see this little buck standing on the rocks looking at me. What did I tell you?(Different)
(Spot the buck)

Will show  you ous at the end of the RR , where the bokkie is in the pic.
We cruise on.

And then this section ends, but not before some “Idiot” on his bicycle is on the wrong side of the road, causing me to swerve out to miss him. (On a sharp corner)
Needles to say this would happen on soft sand as well so I wreck my Knee again.
Ian also just missed the clown. (Bloody bicycle tourists)

We reach our possie for the night.
This is gonna be our base camp for the next few days, we gonna cruise to the Fish River canyon Ais Ais and so on.
Huh!!! How our plans went for a ball of “shit” (sometimes the best laid out plans go for a ball of “shit”  
I’m taking it easy as the knee is bloody sore, (I was gonna use another word,  .... seer)You ous can fill in the gap.

Ian goes and checks out our Rooms whilst I wait. Could not even have a Cold one as they was finished. Shit planning on my side. He  he
My room with a view.

Go up to the bar and have a Cold One or two whilst relaxing by the pool, Meat a few other adventure cage riding ous there.

Once again the sun sets leaving us for the night.
We go and have some food; Ian has the Espetat (Sosatie on pole)
I have the Chin Chalada (Steak cubes floating in a chili soup) with garlic bread washed down with a Cold one or two.
“lekker” full tummies and we of to Zzzzz land.

Day 18: 16th October:  Norotshama to Spar to Norotshama (Route Spar and back) 10km  
Our plans going down the “drain”.
This morning started very early for me.

Mmm 01h00 wake up, Im gonna loose what I ate, it wants out.  The gut wants to work as well, “sommer” new right then and there “hier kom kaaak”

Now this lot had a “lekker” bite to it when I ate it, now the whole lot is reversed and is coming out backwards. ”die oe traan, die neus is vol stukke kos, die keel brand soos die hell dit self, en nou is dit die poepel se beurt ook.”

03h00 and we have a repeat situation, it’s all one big hot spicy watery mixture of Cold ones, chilli, chilli steak and “sommer” some green things which I don’t remember eating, then it was the poepel “se beurt” all over again.

06h00 and the saga does continue, just not so much as I think we was all empty

Ian comes around to call me for breakfast, Ya!! Right there’s no way; nothing is staying in, not even my beloved Cold ones.

We cruise to the Spar and I get some buns as I know that they work as I have poisoned myself with food before a few times. He he

(Vark tjops can only be defrosted 7 times, the 8th time it nails you and you end up with food poisoning.)(Russians are also major bad news)

The owner of the Spar sais I must use (Mazina) (2 table spoons on a third glass water) as it lines the stomach, she used to give it to her kids.( I wonder how many times she poisoned her kids?)
I lie around the pool area and try to drink as much “Oros” as possible.

I enjoy my Buns. Drink Mazina mix every time the stomach goes. Which was often.

I try to sleep, Ian keeps on waking me , eventually I tell him to piss of, I don’t want food, I don’t want to sit at the pool, I don’t want to watch the bloody Rugby, I just wanna die.

Did still manage to take a few photos as you ous can see.

Day 19 to follow soon. Moet eers gou "kak" huis toe gaan. :biggrin: :ricky: :ricky:
Hey Dad. What a good RR. Eventually got to start reading it. he he
Will have to do something like this with you when Qían (Peanut) is old enough to join.

Good pics, nice places looks sooo lekker...

O and I think the knee bumming out is because rust started forming in your body because of all the coke and water you drank. :imaposer: :imaposer:
Really crap getting old and being in shit condition.
If you were a horse with a bum knee like that Ian would have had to shoot you right there and then.
Can just see the pic in a year or so of your white bleached bones in the desert half covered in sand
and the wind whistling gently through your ribs.  O0
Socket said:
Nice RR en bly julle het veil gery.  :thumleft:

Dankie  Matte, yip was a "lekkeer" ride, we enjoyed it. ok bly juit veilig gery. catch you around.
rolo1 said:
Hey Dad. What a good RR. Eventually got to start reading it. he he
Will have to do something like this with you when Qían (Peanut) is old enough to join.

Good pics, nice places looks sooo lekker...

O and I think the knee bumming out is because rust started forming in your body because of all the coke and water you drank. :imaposer: :imaposer:

thanks daughter of mine. yip will look forward to it when old peanut can join. "Stupid Knee" must be, but i tink old age has done its share asswell.  :biggrin:  :ricky:
Hey cous i'm picking up all your little digs at me but lekker man, this is your best rr yet
Bill p said:
Hey cous i'm picking up all your little digs at me but lekker man, this is your best rr yet

Thanks Cous, We really enjoyed this trip, as to the digs, i did tune you to come with us ous, next time you will other up your Kidney and come with us ous..  :biggrin:  :ricky: :ricky:
As to the best RR yet, well thanks cous.  :biggrin: :biggrin:
