Stunning stuff
Thanks for sharing
I especially LOVE those lonely men "pieces".....SO cool

Thanks for sharing
I especially LOVE those lonely men "pieces".....SO cool

Stunning stuff
Thanks for sharing
I especially LOVE those lonely men "pieces".....SO cool![]()
Stunning.....thanks!!!!!!!!My pics of them
They seem so "lifelike", in all their poses.
On day 6, unfortunately, my trip became a mix of bakkie-ry, squeezing life out of my DR650 and riding other motorcycles who’s owners needed a bit of R&R.Day 6 – Marble Circle Route Over Van Zyls Pass
An early start – we need to use all the available daylight today if we want to return to camp before dark. The plan is to cover more than twice the distance we normally do in this area. The distance is 180km long but the terrain is unrelenting – loose sand, rocky hills, mopane mazes… the riders will have a hard day, without a doubt.
Previous mornings I noticed Johan and Gerry doing some stretching exercises while the others were still sleeping. Being in high spirit the previous evening I told Johan I will join him for his morning routine. I felt a bit different about the matter when he shook me awake on my stretcher at 04:30 the next morning but I was committed to give it a try. I followed along as he did his pilates and had to confront the fact that a man twice my age was seemingly more flexible and energised than myself. Which was almost as difficult, but not quite as difficult to maintain the positions that Johan instructed me to do. I tapped out about 20 minutes after we started and slumped in a chair drinking coffee while Johan and Gerry continued on.
The crew started with the breakfast preparations and packing the bakkie. The plan was to have breakfast just before first light and leave as soon as visibility was good. However, Steve had a problem with his front wheel – it was losing air. We inflated the wheel the previous evening but now it was flat again. He damaged his tubeless rim of the 890 riding the Khumib the previous day on lowered air pressure. So we unstrap the tools from the bakkie and get to work fitting a tube to his wheel. This all while it was still dark.
Although we left a little but later than planned the sun was not yet out when we rode out of camp. However, just as we got the T-junction 200m further (where we turn left), Gerry was waiting to inform us that he saw two riders turn right and head north. Immediately he set off to catch them and turn them around, which took somewhere between 20 and 30 minutes in total. It had been Andrew and Steve on the T7 and 890 riding blissfully free of dust most likely trying to catch up to nobody in front of them.
With everyone back on track we head out over the Otjiha plains but turn east towards the Etanga road. The riding is fast and flowing but interspersed with dongas and riverbed crossings. At one such crossing where the sand was especially deep, coupled with an angled entrance, the T7 goes down. While we help Andrew remove his busted mirrors, Justin and Martin come from behind. They had not turned off towards the Etanga road and realised their mistake when they saw the same Lone Man as the day before.
A bit further down the road we pass two magnificent boababs and I stop for a photo at the second one. For the next 30km I had to constantly fight the urge to stop and photograph the trees – the most amazing baobabs, mopanes, maroelas and other wonderful plants in various shapes, colours and state of bloom. If like myself you have a thing for trees, this is like riding in heaven.
The day is progressing well we are making good progress. We are starting to climb up the embankment and as the track starts to noticeably incline, the surface becomes rocker and more loose. The next moment I see the blue Suzuki DR650 laying on its side. Andrew walks over and tells me we have a problem…
@JeanDV, maybe you can continue this next part so that we have it from the horse's mouth. Meanwhile I will post some photos.
So, Maak plan en gaan kyk!Stunning stuff
Thanks for sharing
I especially LOVE those lonely men "pieces".....SO cool![]()
Sal my GAT afval op daai paaie, Mater.So, Maak plan en gaan kyk!
Jy sal dit geniet.
Daar is orals baie mooi alternatiewe roetes wat rustig is!Sal my GAT afval op daai paaie, Mater.
Om elke hoek en draai.
Maar daai wereld lyk UNBELIEVABLY mooi!!!!
Watse bike het jy gebruik @Oubones ............??Daar is orals baie mooi alternatiewe roetes wat rustig is!
Ek het van padry agtergrond saamgegaan en baie lekker gery!
ons wil rustig wees en nie gepla wees nie, toe se ek hom dit geld vir hom ook
Interessant!!!!!Ai, ek kyk maar kry nie veel van my fotos hier tussen die whatsapps nie.
eks agter, werk bietjie rof die week.
my dag 5 was rustig. Dit was maar n oop lekker vinnige dag so ons het so gemaak. Ek en Fred kon lekker laat loop. Ons het wel by n kar wrak gestop vir n foto en toe n Kameelperd op n afstand gesien net toe ons wou ry. Die outjie was heel nuuskierig en mens kon sien hy kom loer ons van nader. Nice foto gekry, sal hom later maar deel as ek hom opsoor.
By die infamous manchester bar was die vog nie besonder koud nie maar steeds welkom, hulle het verbasend goeie stock levels daar. Daar was wel n redelik knaende over-familiar local wat ons lekker laat lag het. Toe Gerry die dame agter toonbank se n koeldrank ekstra vir hom was hy baie vinnig op ons/haar dat hy eerder n bier sal vat. Hy het darm later voete gemaak toe hy ander wegjaag en se ons wil rustig wees en nie gepla wees nie, toe se ek hom dit geld vir hom ook.
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EK het nie besonder lank rondgele nie, was kamp toe en daar n uiltjie geknip voor almal opdaag.
namiddag het ons die verlate marble myn besoek. Baie geld wat daar le. Sommer so sonder helmet ry hoor ek toe hoe erg my briek skoene raas (n 990 issue) en ek besluit toe om iewers dit uit te sort. plaas ek dit net geignoreer.
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