Ek en my Seun se Monkey Butt naweek!

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Dit is nou mooi. Die laaitie weet dit meskien nog nie, maar hy gaan baie spesiaal groot raak. En daai bivvie van julle... sal vir Boer darem baie trots maak  :biggrin:
Dis nou hoe n pa en seun tyd saam moet spandeer. :deal: :thumleft:
Dis nou voorwaar kwaliteit tyd saam gespandeer. Sulke herinneringe sal die knapie vir altyd bybly. Julle gaan nog lekker gesels oor die trippie.
Hannes, this is the RR that is most rewarding. Many guy's do long distance and go interesting places, but few get to share it with their kids. Loved the RR, keep riding with kids and the RR coming. Thanks for sharing  :thumleft:
LRFan said:
Julle manne wat kleingoed het wat oppad is of nog klein is, as jy hulle eers op jou bike gehad het en hulle vrees is oor die geraas, gaan jy sukkel om hulle van die bike af te hou. Hulle wil net die hele tyd saam ry. My 2 dogters van 15 3n 17 geniet die bike ryer net so baie. Daai mannetjie het skaars geloop toe het hy al saam met my op my VFR400 NC30 gery in woongebied waar ons gebly het. Ek het hom voor my op die tank gesit en daai knap kon nie genoeg kry nie.

I actually wanted to ask how old your son was on his first camping trip. My son is 6 and has also been riding around the neighbourhood with me for the past 3 years. I am nervous to go on a longer trip, so that is why I ask.
He isnt the one with the problem, I am ::)
Dankie almal vir komplemente. Toe ons die aand by die vuur sit vertel hy my wanneer hy sy bike gaan koop en saam met my ry dan kan hy ook 'n biertjie saam met my drink. Ek se toe vir hom net wanneer hy eers klaar is met skool kan hy join vir 'n biertjie. Ek is lief vir al 3 my kinders, elke een het sy eie manier van doen en karakter. Die Here het die mannetjie vir ons laaste gegee en hy het ongelukkig al baie slegte beseerings en siekte opgedoen. Ek wil die meisiekinders nou volgende vat vir hulle bike trippies.
XXl, we as family do just camping on holidays and some weekends. Kids are must more adaptable than we think they are. He was 2 months old when he was on his 1st camp holiday(a bit to early) because my wife could not really enjoy it she was still breast weeding. You can take your son on some short trips, like drive to a coffee shop for a milkshake. Trips do not have to be hundreds of kilometers to enjoy it with the kids. I regularly take the kids on the bike to some place out of town for a cool drink or milkshake.
So, when can we see a Pa & seun ride?
Nice my seun wil ook net gatskuur op my Gs! Dink so trip is in die nabye toekoms. Dnk vir moeite.  :thumleft: :thumleft:
LRFan said:
XXl, we as family do just camping on holidays and some weekends. Kids are must more adaptable than we think they are. He was 2 months old when he was on his 1st camp holiday(a bit to early) because my wife could not really enjoy it she was still breast weeding. You can take your son on some short trips, like drive to a coffee shop for a milkshake. Trips do not have to be hundreds of kilometers to enjoy it with the kids. I regularly take the kids on the bike to some place out of town for a cool drink or milkshake.
So, when can we see a Pa & seun ride?

Sorry LRFan. Just saw the response. Thanks for that. My boy is 6 and we have yet to camp. I think I will start with some short trips. Thanks for the advice :thumleft: