Kransgat jou lekke deng. Post julle pics hier

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Dankie almal, was lekker. Spesiaal dankie vir die slaapplek Connection-man. Jammer jy het nie geslaap nie.
Snafu said:
Darem jammer ek kon die een nie maak nie :(
Darem jammer jy maak deesdae amper niks meer nie. Daai direksie pos hou jou te besig en laat jou net aan DOLLARS dink lyk dit vir my. :peepwall:
katvis said:
:biggrin: ...en dit was koud!!!
[/quote Mooi foto van mooi bike. Die goed wat my so vol stof maak !  ;D
Stoetbul said:
Snafu said:
Darem jammer ek kon die een nie maak nie :(
Darem jammer jy maak deesdae amper niks meer nie. Daai direksie pos hou jou te besig en laat jou net aan DOLLARS dink lyk dit vir my. :peepwall:

Tsk, jou HOL man :)

Sien darem ou Rassie en Christo het die naam probeer hoog hou, want op jou kan ek nie staatmaak nie :)
Snafu said:
Stoetbul said:
Snafu said:
Darem jammer ek kon die een nie maak nie :(
Darem jammer jy maak deesdae amper niks meer nie. Daai direksie pos hou jou te besig en laat jou net aan DOLLARS dink lyk dit vir my. :peepwall:

Tsk, jou HOL man :)

Sien darem ou Rassie en Christo het die naam probeer hoog hou, want op jou kan ek nie staatmaak nie :)

Rassie,Christo en Ouman was die driemanskap sonder einde :thumleft:
Saterdag oggend toe ons ander koffie maak trek die drie weg met amstel sonder ophou. Het nogal gedink by 14H00 slaap die lot verseker. Moenie glo nie. Na n hewige vrydagaand het die drie nog die "wa deur die drif getrek" na 12 Saterdagnag en heel vrolik opgestaan nog die Sondag oggend. Bittereinders se ek jou  :imaposer:
Respek  :thumleft:
Hinksding said:
DirtyHarry said:
Hinksding, what is my pig doing there in the mud?
I would have loved to join you for a great weekend  :'( .
Next time  :deal:
Sorry Harry for breaching copyright, but I needed your pic to explain how slippery the road was on our way back from the bash. At the same time, we missed you so much so in our photographic minds you were there all the way! ;)
You are welcome to showcase my bike for the dirty parts of the Kransgat. It's a pig after all  :biggrin:

All the pictures show a frosty expression in the Wilddog's faces  :eek:
How cold was it really?
DirtyHarry said:
Hinksding said:
DirtyHarry said:
Hinksding, what is my pig doing there in the mud?
I would have loved to join you for a great weekend  :'( .
Next time  :deal:
Sorry Harry for breaching copyright, but I needed your pic to explain how slippery the road was on our way back from the bash. At the same time, we missed you so much so in our photographic minds you were there all the way! ;)
You are welcome to showcase my bike for the dirty parts of the Kransgat. It's a pig after all  :biggrin:

All the pictures show a frosty expression in the Wilddog's faces   :eek:
How cold was it really?

Vir my was die old thumper bash kouer as kransgat gewees. Al wat bietjie gevang het was die water crossings nat klere en skoene. Plus ligte motreen met stywe windjie die vrydag aand. Nie vir my so koud gewees nie.
Dikkobra said:
Dankie almal, was lekker. Spesiaal dankie vir die slaapplek Connection-man. Jammer jy het nie geslaap nie.

Vra enig-iemand of hy/sy sal slaap met 'n Dik Kobra in die tent !!!  :pot:

Maar nou ja, ons is seker maar almal wilde honne en behoort mekaar te help waar ons kan.

Dink nie 'n gevriesde wilde hond of dik kobra sou goed gebraai het vir breakfast nie !
Was ' n goeie kuier gewees, jammer ek het nie end-uit gebly nie - BAIE dankie Mof vir die geleentheid om by te woon.
Chinaconexion said:
Dikkobra said:
Dankie almal, was lekker. Spesiaal dankie vir die slaapplek Connection-man. Jammer jy het nie geslaap nie.

Vra enig-iemand of hy/sy sal slaap met 'n Dik Kobra in die tent !!!  :pot:

Maar nou ja, ons is seker maar almal wilde honne en behoort mekaar te help waar ons kan.

Dink nie 'n gevriesde wilde hond of dik kobra sou goed gebraai het vir breakfast nie !
Was ' n goeie kuier gewees, jammer ek het nie end-uit gebly nie - BAIE dankie Mof vir die geleentheid om by te woon.

Party van ons weskus mense moet maar op julle buitelanders staat maak as daar n fout kom wan ons vriende ken ons en sal nie in so n slaggaat trap nie :imaposer:
I was not happy about missing this before, but now that I see the photos I am really not happy!
Anyway I am spending a week in Bloem trying to improve my Afrikaans for next year!
Rynet jy het so baie fotos geneem. Wys vir ons ook. ;D
My laptop het mos gecrash , en die nuwe nerd kom nou more om my nuwe computers te network en oorplantings te doen. 

Maar Heimer het gister na my fotos gekyk en gese^ my fotos het blou uitgekom , die settings was seker verkeerd.  Maar ek hou van hulle, en sal hulle die naweek post , blou en al  :mwink: . :thumleft:

Wonder of ek geban gaan word ?  :mwink:  het topless fotos van Luther en een van Katvis sonder sy broek  :mwink:
Rynet: Hoe blouer hoe mooier.............. Vra ma die manne wat weet.......... O0 :3some:
OKay , so I got the KLR yay  :3some: , and the next day went on a 1000 km ride . Unfortunately it was the wettest I have ever ridden in , Cape of Storms and so I was wet right through my gloves to my fingers and through my boots to my toes even before I left town , the water was shin high near the Castle . I couldn't see out my visor as it was raining so hard.. On the N1 navigating the water crossings with Friday afternoon traffic madness , not seeing a thing and new bike so everything is new ??? ,and couldn't find the accelerator anywhere  :pot: :imaposer:

Then after Melkbos it was a bit less of an emergency riding, but then then the winds started! , my whole body was in agony as I tried to keep the bike upright for hours at a stretch , never have I ridden in stormy winds like that . All the way up to Vredendal. Took me 5 hours instead of my usual 3 hours ,but all I can say is that I had a Baptism of fire on my new lil KLR , all the riding I do hereafter can only get better . :mwink:

At Tgg 's house I was treated with real Weskus hospitality :3some: .I kept the tumble dryer busy the whole night , and borrowed some shoes from Tgg. His cute kid was a bit suspicious that I borrowed his tennis ball to dry my down sleeping bag with . The whole family chatted till late , even the laatjie didn't want to go and sleep .

But the next two days were glorious weather again and made it all worthwhile again I really appreciated my KLR , life , good friends and living in SA so much again . :biggrin: :biggrin:

Ok some fodies at last , still figuring out how my camera works ,  the first few were ok, but then the camera set itself on "indoors" and most of the photos came out Blue , so soryyyyyyyyyyy  ;D

Ps and no StoetKrokidilril not the Blue you were thinking of :biggrin: >:D


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ANd then the Blue fotos started. The kinda fotos only those who were on the trip will enjoy ,they're not pretty enough to be for public consumption . :peepwall: :lol8:

Ps love the close relationship between Luther and Karin A , they are a stunning couple and hope I see them some more.  :thumleft:

It was a great group to ride to the Bash with , we stopped every 15 minutes for a steering damper break , I liked it .  :mwink:


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Jeepers looking at the fodies now it seems we stopped more than we rode.  :lol8: Even the times we tried to ride we were stopped by the road works .  :lol8:


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More roadworx and the Calvinia ( Hantam ) Hotel . :mwink:


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