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True story for those who wonder who Piet Skiet was ask any local in and around Piketberg and the will say, Nai hy kruip nog weg in die berge!
what route did you take back down the mountain? Same way as up?
JC said:
what route did you take back down the mountain? Same way as up?

Some went a parallel route back to Goedverwacht which was extremely loose and rocky, much worse than the way up.  And some (myself included) borrowed the key to the Eskom/Telkom road from a technician we met at the tower and took the easier way down.  I was surprised - it's 8.5km from the tower across the mountain to the tar road.  If you ever get access to that road, please be careful.  It sports some of the sharpest, unexpected, little corners you could imagine!
Crossed-up said:
JC said:
what route did you take back down the mountain? Same way as up?

Some went a parallel route back to Goedverwacht which was extremely loose and rocky, much worse than the way up.  And some (myself included) borrowed the key to the Eskom/Telkom road from a technician we met at the tower and took the easier way down.  I was surprised - it's 8.5km from the tower across the mountain to the tar road.  If you ever get access to that road, please be careful.  It sports some of the sharpest, unexpected, little corners you could imagine!

I've looked for ways around that locked gate a few times before, it just looks like an awesome place to ride.

Is the parallel route the one on top of the mountain?


Sal nogals lekker wees as 'n mens in die somer sommer daar kon oorslaap op die berg

Was daardie klipperige opdraand pad baie styl?
Crossed-up said:
Yes it runs along the top and then plummets down to Goedverwacht

let's hope Sparky doesn't read this  >:D >:D >:D
Dusty Rusty said:

Sal nogals lekker wees as 'n mens in die somer sommer daar kon oorslaap op die berg

Was daardie klipperige opdraand pad baie styl?

The way up is moderately difficult as far as the trees and fountain.  After that it becomes quite a bit more difficult.  Not so much so that Leftless needed to put his feet out, but the rest of us sukkeled a bit.

We should also remember that this sensitive area is either in private ownership or is gemeente grond.  Either way one should keep unauthorised intrusions quick and low-key.  It would not be a good idea to light a fire and the obvious camping spot is 220m directly above the village of Wittewater.
Crossed-up said:

The way up is moderately difficult as far as the trees and fountain.  After that it becomes quite a bit more difficult.  Not so much so that Leftless needed to put his feet out, but the rest of us sukkeled a bit.

Wat!  Sjoe!  En julle klomp manne is van die wat  beter ry. 
Rudi lyk soos Piet skiet met daai doek op sy kop :imaposer:.

Lekker ride, is that the same chain that did verneukpan?????
Julle moet met my praat as julle weer wil kom ry ek boer onder die berg dan reel ek dat julle (ons) met die ou ossewa berg pas af kom. Ek kan ook reel vir kamp in ons ou Olien hout bos.
Doppies said:
Julle moet met my praat as julle weer wil kom ry ek boer onder die berg dan reel ek dat julle (ons) met die ou ossewa berg pas af kom. Ek kan ook reel vir kamp in ons ou Olien hout bos.
op watter plaas is jy? ken jy die mense op Steenebrug?
Doppies said:
Julle moet met my praat as julle weer wil kom ry ek boer onder die berg dan reel ek dat julle (ons) met die ou ossewa berg pas af kom. Ek kan ook reel vir kamp in ons ou Olien hout bos.

Hello Doppies, welcome to the forum. 

That's a most generous offer and I'll certainly take you up on it.  Leftless, Andy660 and I have been looking at old and forgotten roads in the Cape. 

I've been wanting to explore the roads on the Piketberg for a long time.  The road up from Steenebrug looks fantastic, and there's also the track down to Moutonshoek from Moutonsvlei which might still be "rybaar".  Stay in touch.

Jammer vir die Engels maar my Afrikaans is verskriklik rof!
Nice Mark, en lekker om so 'n klomp Yammies bymekaar te sien :thumleft:
Doppies said:
Julle moet met my praat as julle weer wil kom ry ek boer onder die berg dan reel ek dat julle (ons) met die ou ossewa berg pas af kom. Ek kan ook reel vir kamp in ons ou Olien hout bos.
Hi Doppies !
Baie dankie vir die uitnodiging.
Ek hoop ons het nie oor jou plaas gery , maar waar ons gery het ,was daar geen borde of toe hekke nie.

Nee julle het nie oor my plaas gery nie sou nie omgee nie dalk gejoin het.My plaas is Voelvlei weet nie of julle dalk van bo gekyk het nie dit is die 1 met die klomp wateblom damme. Ja pote ek ken Stenebrug se mense hulle is basies bure van my.O ja ek ken ook mense by Moutonsvalley so praat maar dan hoor ek van daai padjie.