Going Solo

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Dusty Rusty said:
Alhoewel ek baie vies was vir myself dat ek uitgemis het op van die grondpaaie,  was dit ‘n baie lekker rit.  En ek weet nou iewers is daar ‘n afdraai waarvoor ek my oe moes oophou.  Ma nee, aapstert dagdroom mos so baie terwyl sy ry dat sy vergeet om vir afdraaie te kyk!

Ek hou die kaart, ek wag net dat Nismark weer op ‘n boy’s naweek gaan met sy bike.  Dan doen ek die trippie weer, met ‘n lunch stop in Riebeeck (natuurlik gaan ek weer behaaglik laat slaap) en dan sal ek my oe wawyd oophou vir daai afdraai. 

Ek sien uit daarna

(dankie vir die ouens wat op “stand by” was as daar iets dalk sou gebeur. Julle is great!)

"DR" by the contents of this AWESOME RR,... it sure looks like you had a really wonderful "Solo Trip" :ricky:

I am very happy that you had such a Gr8 time & I feel that it's important for all of us to do this kind of thing from time to time :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: Thanks a lot for sharing this memorable experience with us all. Your style of writing & the way you explain things always causes many smiles.

We really are very blessed with so many wonderful places here in our "Back Yard - WC", to enjoy our bikes & should always make use of all opportunities afforded to us. ;) ;D
Hello DR.

There is almost nothing as cleansing to the soul as some helmet time alone in the countryside. You have a trusty steed. Let generaal show you how to change the front tube on your bike, and then stand by while you do it yourself. Apart from falling, a flat tyre is about the worst that can happen. If you carry spare tubes and 3 tyre levers, then that worry is out the window. And as Ted Simon says: "Help is imminent"

I did a Verneukpan solo trip, and it was truly awesome.

Thanks for taking the time to share this!
Het jy toe die waterval gekry op die pad tussen Gouda en Tulbach?
"my klein fietsie se pensie vol petrol ek kon ek pad vat!" Mooi gestel. So verpersoonlik, klink dit sommer of Lexi dit ook geniet het.
Sparky said:
Het jy toe die waterval gekry op die pad tussen Gouda en Tulbach?

Ongelukkig nie!  Dalk sal dit die komende naweek gebeur  of sodra ek weer op my eie Ceres toe gaan ry.

GOBBWD said:
Hello DR.

There is almost nothing as cleansing to the soul as some helmet time alone in the countryside. You have a trusty steed. Let generaal show you how to change the front tube on your bike, and then stand by while you do it yourself. Apart from falling, a flat tyre is about the worst that can happen. If you carry spare tubes and 3 tyre levers, then that worry is out the window. And as Ted Simon says: "Help is imminent"

I did a Verneukpan solo trip, and it was truly awesome.

Thanks for taking the time to share this!

I got tire tools and other tire goodies for my birthday.  :biggrin: A tire lesson will be in the near future!

But I do agree with you, riding on your own, just appreciating life and have quite time; that does the soul good!
Dusty Rusty said:
GOBBWD said:
Hello DR.

There is almost nothing as cleansing to the soul as some helmet time alone in the countryside. You have a trusty steed. Let generaal show you how to change the front tube on your bike, and then stand by while you do it yourself. Apart from falling, a flat tyre is about the worst that can happen. If you carry spare tubes and 3 tyre levers, then that worry is out the window. And as Ted Simon says: "Help is imminent"

I did a Verneukpan solo trip, and it was truly awesome.

Thanks for taking the time to share this!

I got tire tools and other tire goodies for my birthday.   :biggrin: A tire lesson will be in the near future!

But I do agree with you, riding on your own, just appreciating life and have quite time; that does the soul good!

+1000 :thumleft: :thumleft:

I really love riding with a group as it is a whole lot of fun & being able to experience the ride together,.... HOWEVER,... I have to fully agree that it is really something special to head off & ride SOLO from time to time too ;) ;)

The last trip we did in January, took us through the Anysberg Nature Reserve as well as Sewe Weeks Poort Pass. I ended up doing most of these partson my own & even though I loved the Gr8 company,.... those SOLO sections I did were really special & cherished every km of it. :ricky:
Lekker RR
Great pics
Great bike
Dankie dat jy met ons gedeel het. Ek worry dat jy alleen gaan ry sonder die papwiel ding onder die knie en regte tools.
