Sani pas hier kom ons

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Well done :thumleft: Cool fotos, dit maak my baie lus om dit te gaan doen!
sHIT, i'm getting on, i thought 2 - 3 hrs to get up and same down, that sounds like going up and down Sir lowrys passor du toitskloof  but the gravel cousin. How long in distance and time, still have Sanie on bucket list, nice pcs/ride Topie
It took us about 6 hours up and down which include a hour and a half that was spend at the top.
Allowing for a lot of stopping and strategising as this was our first major dirt ride and 2 of the rides are total newbies.
From border post to border post its round about 8 km one way.
Would really love to do the Sani again should health and finances permit.
Nice one Toppie, Mrs T and I would like to do this trip this year still if time and money allow, this is an awe inspiring ride and you guy's did really well, what is even better, you did it as a family  :thumleft:
Tommy Transalp said:
Lovely RR Topie! I'm thinking of attempting Sani with the Mighty XR (125)... don't know if it won't run out of breath near the top though! Anybody done it on a 125??


See ...

One of the pics on the above report (sorry I cannot see the Photo Bucket pics from work so don't know which one to copy & paste) shows a chap on a little scooter charging up Sani !!! 

Anything goes  :biggrin: