WC Bash - Ride Report

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Freak said:
Pistonpete said:
chrisL said:
Ek het nie daai roete gery Skipskop. Ons het deur die Roggeveldberge gery.
Daai wêreld se water ruik na poep. Kruitwater noem hulle dit. Eintlik swael wat die reuk gee.
What's "swael"...?

Its the big version of a smal bird..

Ever heard of swaeltjie? ... That would be the small one.. :peepwall:

:imaposer:  :imaposer:  :imaposer:

This has been bothering me ever since we went to this godforsaken place. Why dit you host the WC Bash in the Norther Cape? Could you not have found a leKKer place in your own province ?
No wonder so few of the cape owes came to the bash. You did'nt take them out of town, you REALLY took them out of touch  :laughing4:

Furthermore, being 2of2, I discussed the issue, of which bash was the better, with 1of2, and I think the concensus is that both were leKKer, haveing their own character. The FS bash offered both Luxury and "slum-it" options. The WC or is it NC Bash, offered basically slum-it only.
The FS Bash offered more eating and drinking divesity with 2 or 3 places in town and the rally site  etc. WC/NC bach was take it or leave it, but I must admit, Faan & Henk, really did an excellent job to get all the dop and ice to that bush camp.
FS Bash was in civilisation, with a host of out ride options. WC/NC Bash basically had one ride. (Not to say the one offered was not interresting.) One thing for sure, is that the WC/NC BASh had the better prises by far. The other wanna be bash hosts can catch a hint here ;D
FS bash had NO T-shirts or so, WC/NC Bash had that - Great, and funtastic caps with LED head light  :thumleft: LeKKer for braaing etc, at night.
Concencus is that Both BASHES were lekker, having their own character.  :thumleft:
nemodakar said:
Mooi pics Skipskop.

Dis lekker om die EC Dogs te sien ry, maar shitty as ek by die huis moet bly. Jammer om te se maar die plaas kom eerste.

Are you trying to impress us , or building brownie points with Ters.
Tweets said:

This has been bothering me ever since we went to this godforsaken place. Why dit you host the WC Bash in the Norther Cape? Could you not have found a leKKer place in your own province ?
No wonder so few of the cape owes came to the bash. You did'nt take them out of town, you REALLY took them out of touch  :laughing4:
What......no T - Shirt ??? ;D I have but a few left. Send me yer post address ok :thumleft:

Don't tell me an old hand like yourself kakked off on the route? >:D

Yip...each Bash is diferent. Location & position plays a huge role in determining bar, food, accommodation & ride.

Remember on thing...i will only say this ONCE....the WC Bash is all about the ride route :deal: Get used to it!  :laughing4: :biggrin: :ricky:
Personally thought the route was perfect. Just long/short enough with some challenging bits but oh, oh so pretty!

I want to do that route again!  :thumleft:
I vote for next year staying at the same place and riding through Wupperthal and back for the route.
Organize fuel at Oasis on the way back.
Is Stonehege in the WC or NC? If its in the NC its by a ballhair's thickness over the borderline. And it is really close to CT.
I really though there would be more WD's.
Anyway we had enough people there from the NC too.
.the WC Bash is all about the ride route deal Get used to it!  laughing4 icon_biggrin Rick
Tweets PUI ?  :mwink: Agreed fully P P,ride hard or stay at home. :thumleft:

Tweets said:

This has been bothering me ever since we went to this godforsaken place. Why dit you host the WC Bash in the Norther Cape? Could you not have found a leKKer place in your own province ?
No wonder so few of the cape owes came to the bash. You did'nt take them out of town, you REALLY took them out of touch  :laughing4:

Tweets sorry you didn't like the place. The rest of us loved that place.  :3some: The isolation of it was one of the factors that made it so special. The scenery was beautiful ,and the quiteness esp on the sat nite on the mountain top was almost spiritual in it's awesomeness  :thumleft: . Personally there is nothing like a long ride to clear one's head :ricky:
chrisL said:
I vote for next year staying at the same place and riding through Wupperthal and back for the route.
Organize fuel at Oasis on the way back.
Is Stonehege in the WC or NC? If its in the NC its by a ballhair's thickness over the borderline. And it is really close to CT.
I really though there would be more WD's.
Anyway we had enough people there from the NC too.
Eintlik was dit in die Noord-Kaap maar dit was so naby aan Durbanville dat ek met 'n tenk petrol van die huis tot by Stonehenge kon gery het, ek het geen probleem gehad met die Bash nie en het dit omgewwing pragtig gevind maar sal graag so 'n Bash wil sien in die Wes-Fokken-Kus  :thumleft:
Who said I did'nt like the place. Auwsome. It really has a beauty of its own. Been there, done it , got a t-shirt. We knew we were going to a primative place, so I phsyced the mind up for the a good sluym week-end, even though I personally am starting to like the "little " comforts of life at my age.  But one things for sure. That place is not out of town, ITS OUT OF TOUCH.  :biggrin: and no-one can argue that point :pot:  :thumleft:
Rynet, I agree that a long ride (Helmet time) clears the mind, thats why I did 2027km on this Bash weekend  :biggrin: LeKKer , Lekker. You just dont know how much "good" this weekend did for me  :thumleft:
Pote said:
chrisL said:
I vote for next year staying at the same place and riding through Wupperthal and back for the route.
Organize fuel at Oasis on the way back.
Is Stonehege in the WC or NC? If its in the NC its by a ballhair's thickness over the borderline. And it is really close to CT.
I really though there would be more WD's.
Anyway we had enough people there from the NC too.
Eintlik was dit in die Noord-Kaap maar dit was so naby aan Durbanville dat ek met 'n tenk petrol van die huis tot by Stonehenge kon gery het, ek het geen probleem gehad met die Bash nie en het dit omgewwing pragtig gevind maar sal graag so 'n Bash wil sien in die Wes-Fokken-Kus  :thumleft:

daar was bokkoms by die bash  ;D
Tweets said:
Rynet, I agree that a long ride (Helmet time) clears the mind, thats why I did 2027km on this Bash weekend  :biggrin: LeKKer , Lekker. You just dont know how much "good" this weekend did for me   :thumleft:

Glad the week-end was good for you Tweets   :thumleft:.  And next time around for the EC Bash , the WC guys are the ones who are going to spend some lank helmet time, and you will be in your back yard , since you work near there?  :3some:
JC said:
Pote said:
chrisL said:
I vote for next year staying at the same place and riding through Wupperthal and back for the route.
Organize fuel at Oasis on the way back.
Is Stonehege in the WC or NC? If its in the NC its by a ballhair's thickness over the borderline. And it is really close to CT.
I really though there would be more WD's.
Anyway we had enough people there from the NC too.
Eintlik was dit in die Noord-Kaap maar dit was so naby aan Durbanville dat ek met 'n tenk petrol van die huis tot by Stonehenge kon gery het, ek het geen probleem gehad met die Bash nie en het dit omgewwing pragtig gevind maar sal graag so 'n Bash wil sien in die Wes-Fokken-Kus  :thumleft:

daar was bokkoms by die bash  ;D

Ja, maar net ek en stoetie het van daai bokkoms ge-proef. Die res van julle...... Ai tog  ::)
chrisL said:
I vote for next year staying at the same place and riding through Wupperthal and back for the route.
Organize fuel at Oasis on the way back.
Is Stonehege in the WC or NC? If its in the NC its by a ballhair's thickness over the borderline. And it is really close to CT.
I really though there would be more WD's.
Anyway we had enough people there from the NC too.

On my map, Stonehenge is 5.7 km into the NC, measured from the nearest border line.

But the Tankwa has no borders    8)

Heimer said:
chrisL said:
I vote for next year staying at the same place and riding through Wupperthal and back for the route.
Organize fuel at Oasis on the way back.
Is Stonehege in the WC or NC? If its in the NC its by a ballhair's thickness over the borderline. And it is really close to CT.
I really though there would be more WD's.
Anyway we had enough people there from the NC too.

On my map, Stonehenge is 5.7 km into the NC, measured from the nearest border line.

But the Tankwa has no borders    8)


Who's got the pictures of the bar burnout. KTM525...PureOranges bike with Lurker & his missus on?

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