Kyk, 'n groot dam!

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Ek wil eintlik GLADNIE Dors se skrywes lees nie; want dan roep die paaie my. Voel of ek sommer net winkel toe moet ry.

Welgedaan 👏
Ek skryf myself sommer lus. Maar dié naweek is ek vas en my lente span beginne 20 September lam dan is ek vas soos Prestik.
@Dorsland, thanks for a fantastic story. We're on our way down to Gariep in 2 weeks time and cannot wait...... Afrikaans is such a lekker language - when boervrou gets the bl*ksemin with me she gooi's the taal flatout.....and then I'll start laughing and tell her to start from the beginning......kwaad has no limits I tell you :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
@Dorsland "Sal jy glo die dam se kuslyn is omtrent 430km."

If you add together the coastlines of the Vaal Dam and the Gariep Dam, the Free State has a longer coastline than Natal.
And largely without the Christmas beach invasion and ecoli. I think I must open a Waffle House on the bay at Verwoerd dam.
@Dorsland, thanks for a fantastic story. We're on our way down to Gariep in 2 weeks time and cannot wait...... Afrikaans is such a lekker language - when boervrou gets the bl*ksemin with me she gooi's the taal flatout.....and then I'll start laughing and tell her to start from the beginning......kwaad has no limits I tell you :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
You see, your wife knows about "bliksem" and "donner" and "voertsek".:love::ROFLMAO: Glad you enjoyed my little story.

I hope you enjoy it immensely Mike. This time of year the area is very dry but it still has an enchantment of its own. Take your Speedo along, it's hot here already.
Op daai roete gaan jy die Vrystaat heel mis ry, ter danke aan die Britte. Daai spikkelstreep nét oos van Kimberley is waar die Britte daai tyd sommer luukrak 'n streep getrek het om Kimberely by die Kaap provinsie in te sluit sodat hulle die diamantvelde daar vir hulle kween kon eis. Jy sal moet verder oos om die fraaie Vrystaat te verken.

Buitendien, jy gaan dalk by Prieska met 'n splinternuwe strykyster van @ETS uitry. Dan kontak hy mens aanhoudend oor die verlengde strykyster waarborg wat hy wil smous. :cool:😁
Ek weet ja, sal maar maar kyk hoe ons beskikbare tyd lyk. Dalk moet ek liewers kyk of ek nie erens volgende jaar 'n plan kan maak vir 'n lekker pad-avontuur op Vrystaat nie.

Ek is maar skrikkerig vir Prieska, ek het al verwaande stories gehoor van 'n man in crocks wat bluikbaar baie berig in die omgewing is 🤪

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