A couple of stats.
The whole trip was 27 days, we travelled for 21 days and 6 days we stayed at family and friends.
Distance travelled - 9 067km
Fuel used - 578.69litres
Amount used for fuel - R6 786-20
Average per - 15.67km/l
Amount paid on Accommodation - R4 400-00
Average for accommodation per day - R210-00 per day for 2 people
Daily purchases, food, airtime and spares - R9 638-34 ???
Average per day - R356-98
Border crossing and taxes - R1070-00
Total cost for 27 days - R21 904-54
Average per day for two people - R811-28
Photos taken - 14 245
Some would say it is a load of money, I would say the experience and enjoyment of this trip is priceless. Live is too short, enjoy it while you can.